Friday, June 14, 2013


hey y'all.
it's been a crazy week around here.

our big boys had basketball camp at jbu  so our "schedule" was all upside down.
finley went for a half day and avery went all day...getting home about 9 every night.
i woke up on monday and thought it was friday. ha.
no bueno.
on wednesday, i woke up and said "it's the last day of basketball camp."
it ended thursday. it's been a weird, long week.
i am so so happy that my boys got to go...but i am also happy to chill out a little bit. ;)

the great thing was that they went with 6 other providence friends so the mamas were able to carpool these little guys to get them to and fro all week.
they had a great week and loved it so much.

at the end of avery's camp they had an awards ceremony.
avery won the "golden eagle award" {for good heart and attitude all week} out of his entire age group.
so, so special and a really big deal.
they said it was all the awards combined and it is something that all the coaches voted on.
we are so very proud of our boy.
if he could win any award, that is what we would want.

he also won a gatorade shot of the day award that day so it was a pretty good day for avery. :)
so thankful that God blessed my boy in that way.

love these sweet providence boys!

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