Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thrifted Thursday {and a LINKY!!!}

Hey Y'all!

Welcome to Thrifted Thursday. :)

okay so i have a super busy day today so i am going to try to be brief and let the pictures do the talkin'. :)
so once again, as summer has seemed to be, i haven't done my normal thrifting....but . . . and it's a big mom and my friend stacy have saved the day. :)

my friend stacy has been cleaning out her grandma's house and my mom has been cleaning out my grandparents' between the two of them, i have some amazing vintage goodies hanging out in my house right now.

so here are a few of my favorites....

vintage backgammon game.
i have no idea how to play it...but it sure looks pretty.
and that's what counts, right?

glassware, frames, doilies.
i think the glass juice pitcher would be adorbs used as a vase stuffed full of daisies.

the quilts.
oh my heavens, the quilts.
hand stitched perfection.
my mom thinks that her grandma made these.
i love them, i love them and i don't care who knows it.
i think i started hyperventilating a bit when she brought them by.

pretty sure vintage quilts are my love language.
that's a thing, right?

this beaut is already on the end of our bed.
sure, it smells like old lady perfume, but that's part of the charm.  :)

the middle one with lots of pinks and purples and flowers is draped over ruby's chair in her room.
love the mix of plaids and florals on the top two.
seriously, perfection.
the blue and red plaid will be used in the boys' room in some fashion....ooooh, just thought of it, i'll drape it on the couch upstairs in the playroom.
yes. ma'am. i am happy about that. :)

stacks of vintage, hand-crocheted linens.
i die.
the hours that were put into these.

the more tattered ones will be turned into various crafts like this one....

i made that sweet little hoop on saturday with a bit of one of the pillowcases that had been already been cut.
some of the linens will go to the booth but i am keeping plenty for my decorating fancy. :)

i believe that i should turn a couple of these pillowcases into dresses for miss ruby, don't you think?

okay so i didn't really let the pictures do the talking.....i never was very good at brevity.

so what have y'all found while thrifting, yard saling, trash picking, curb lifting, craig's listing, grandma's house snooping lately????

if you've posted about it, please join us and link up for our first ever....

Thrifted Thursday Linky {!!!}


 *please link up to your specific post, not your blog home page
 *also, i'd love for you to link back here with either a text link or you can use my button from the       sidebar. :)

thrifters of the world, unite! :)
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  1. I love those quilts! Thanks so much for starting this thrifty link up. :) I can't wait to see what everyone finds!

  2. I really love those quilts, its awesome and have done a great work.


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