Thursday, June 6, 2013

thrift store thursday {kind of} and real thoughts on summer

okay, so summers are crazy, right?
i lovelovelovelovelove summer time.
love the weather...the hotter, the better.
love the laid back days, the grilling out, eating dinner outside, swimming.....i could go on and on.

the hard part is. . .
i do not have a moment to myself.
i feel like someone needs me or is talking to me every moment of the day.
i feel conflicted because i love having my kids around and i love doing activities with them....seriously it is my joy in life.....but....
i also need some alone time.
i have realized over my years of mothering that i need some consistent alone time to keep my sanity.
and honestly, i'm not getting much of that lately.
on one hand, i feel as happy as i've ever been and i love my life.
truly... i told AJ the other day, i think i'll look back on this time {with my kids at home} as the happiest time of my life.
on the other hand, i really really really need 5 seconds to take a breath. :)

also, i love writing and i love blogging.
writing has always been so therapeutic for me and i am struggling to find time to sit down and blog.

so there you go. those are my honest thoughts right now.
my goal is to just be in the moment this summer.
enjoy each and every day and make the most of them.
i'm praying that what is most important for that day, rises to the surface and that i will let the other stuff go.

on that note...haven't been able to do much thrifting lately either.
my mom did bring me another load of vintage goodies this week for the booth.

i love this vintage teal candy dish.

fun vintage nut choppers.
love those red lids

a whole stack of vintage cookbooks.
they have such neat covers and i love reading through old cookbooks.

for whatever reason, my booth has super slow lately.
this past month was my slowest month yet...pretty discouraging.
from the time i started {november} through march, it had steadily increased and done better and better....then spring hit and it has slowed way down.
i still love having a booth....but it sure was more fun when stuff was steadily being sold! ;)

i did pop into the thrift store quickly today....with 5 kids {i had meliyah}....i was quickly looking for some water shoes for ruby...did not find them.

also, good news/bad news.
bad news, the store is stuffed to the gills full of stuff....seriously more full than i've seen it in a long time.
that is bad news because i don't get to shop there on thursday mornings! ;)
good news....for my kids....they found a cool marble run set for 99 cents.

okay friends...have a great thursday....happy summer! :)

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  1. It truly warms my heart, how great of a mother you are. You are so blessed and so genuinely happy with life. Very inspiring! Enjoy your summer with the littles. I look forward to my chance to do the same.

  2. How about your winter dear ! like to read some Christmas blog from you
    God bless you !


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