Monday, June 3, 2013

memorial day 2013

we had a really fun memorial day weekend this year.
our friends, zach & erin, invited us to go to his parents house for their family renunion weekend.
it was so sweet of his parents to welcome us in with the whole big family staying at their house.

it's so beautiful out there and there's tons for the kids {and grownups} to do.

yes, this is at their house.

and yes, that is an ark.

that's root beer.
they did lots of swimming.
so glad for them to get some good swim time in now that we don't have a pool. {sad face}.

we did lots of hanging out and eating.
they fed us so well.

zach's grandma did cute little bible story times that reminded me of back yard bible clubs i went to when i was little....except i don't remember there being any ventriloquists.

the kids were so cute and listened really well.

they had a duck race in the pond.

and lots and lots of fishing.
avery loves fishing.
he wants to fish every chance he gets.
he caught several fish this weekend so that was super exciting for him.

aj and i didn't grow up fishing really and it doesn't come natural for us so we try to take advantage of any opportunity for him to learn.

erin and i mostly observed. . . and talked and laughed. :)

so thankful for my good friend who is really a sister. :)

sleepovers with these crazy cats are so fun.
we all bunked over the garage together.

catherine and sophie are such little mamas.
they are so very sweet to ruby and tote her around all over the place.
they pretty much babysit her anytime we're together.
obviously it's nice for me, but also ruby loves them.
she just walks up to them and holds her hands up. so cute. :)

love a long weekend with this hottie.

and we tie-dyed shirts.
cool kids club!
the family that tie-dyes together stays together.

and just because it's cute...a video of ruby babbling. :)

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1 comment:

  1. You know you have lovely and beautiful family
    May god bless you all
    and keep blogging we love read these


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