Friday, June 7, 2013

'round here.

i cannot get that counting crows song out of my head.
you'd think after almost 20 years that one would fade.
i can't remember really important things, like where the heck my keys are or to respond to emails...but you better know those counting crows music videos are locked in.

so i've been doing lots o' the instagramming lately.
summer is such a beautiful time of year.

one of our favorite things is to take a family hike...arkansas is so. pretty.
love the conversations that come up as we're walking through the woods.
love seeing God's handiwork and artistry in nature.

ruby finds little mamas everywhere we go.
she walked up to these girls and held her arms up...she's getting pretty used to little girls toting her around.
she's also becoming a little mama herself....she's on a big kick of carrying her "babies" around and kissing them & insisting that i wrap them up in a blanket.
seriously, this is my dream come true.

i walked by and saw her sitting on the stairs...she smiled and said, "hi-i.":)

back porch favorite.
many meals outside already. :)

my parents gave us their piano when they moved.
i'm so so happy about this and i love hearing them play everyday.
we have wanted a big piano for so long...what a blessing....and doesn't the waiting on something make it so much sweeter?

in a very dramatic turn of events fin fell off the trampoline when he was trying to jump off and his foot got caught in the net.
guess we should have left it in the woods. resulted in AJ coming home from work and fin & i heading to the emergency room.
which also resulted in us eating doritos and cookies in a hospital bed.
thankfully it wasn't broken, just sprained pretty good.
bonus, he got a sweet sling & ace wrap.

on saturday, AJ had to work so i wanted to do something fun with the kids.
we went to the summer kickoff at the library and had such a good time.

that's a happy table right there.

the result...not in love with it but it's fine for now. ;)

avery's honing his mowing skills.
he does a great proud of him.
he's hoping to mow lawns in our neighborhood this summer to earn some money.

these boys are earning their keep as well.
they are great helpers.
our hope is to instill a strong work ethic and desire to serve.

oh. my. heart.

this creek is dreamy and beautiful and i want to sit there all day....if i didn't have to hang on with a death grip to sissy's hand as she tries to frolic on slippery rocks. :)

oh hey, another piano picture.
vintage gospel hymn book on an old piano....i can't help myself.
and avery will play the doxology for me anytime i that kid.

teeny ponytail!!

thank you ruby! that is SO helpful.

she's all mine. 
i can hardly fathom it.

fun, fun day yesterday.
seriously, these are the best kids.
they are kind and helpful and so sweet to their mama.
they hug me and love on me and forgive me and make me wonder at God's mercy.

oh bless his soul.....
AJ sent me to the coffee shop last night to have alone time and work through my lists.
it was so. wonderful.
seriously, i was amazed at how much i needed to have uninterrupted time to get my thoughts together!
which is probably why you're reading this blog post right now. :)

well happy friday, y'all....have a great weekend...make the most of it, whatever you're doing. :)

life rearranged
also linking up with two thirty-five designs

{p.s. i'm itsgoodtobequeen on instagram if you want to follow!}

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  1. Next time I visit my college roomie (and have more time in Ark.) I'm totally coming to find you.

  2. Love this happy post. Several thoughts:
    1. Ruby is adorable! When did she grow up?!
    2. Cute pink shoes and I love the braid. I've been thinking about braiding mine, but I think it's a little shorter than yours.
    3. Have you ever thought about doing a parenting post? Your boys seem so sweet and I'd love to hear how you guys have helped cultivate that. I'm guessing it's mostly modeled at home. :)

  3. Aaahhh, summer fun. Looks like you guys are already having a great time.
    I love the picture of Ruby on the dishwasher. Mine used to do that all the time, thinking they were "helping" :D
    Have a wonderful week!


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