Monday, June 17, 2013

oh, good grief.

well today started off with a bang.

i was so looking forward to a calmer week after our crazy week of toting kids to and fro during basketball camp.
also, we had a very full day yesterday.
like fall in bed in complete exhaustion at 9:30, full.
good.......just, full. if you follow me on instagram, you saw this amazing marble topped side table that i posted last week......

i love it.
it is the perfect little table that i had been looking for to put beside my chair in our bedroom.
nice and small and vintage and just dang pretty.
well, i received two of them, so the other one was sitting in our dining room {that's the first place it landed} waiting to go to the booth.
i have gone to my booth twice since i got that table and forgot to grab it both times.
it was in the worst possible spot...right by where you walk.

several times i have walked by it and thought, "that's a terrible spot for that, one of the kids could pull that over on their foot."
note: the marble top is not connected, it just rests on the base.
and of course, i left it there because i was probably thinking about ten other things at that moment.
seriously, i'm sure God was nudging me to move the dang thing and i didn't listen.

so on to this morning, we're all getting ready to head out the door and i hear AJ yelling for me.
he's saying "Sara! come right now!"

you know what happened.
sawyer tripped and fell into the table and the marble top {weighing at least 5 pounds} falls onto his foot.
ugh....that makes my stomach hurt just typing that.
his toe looked terrible. 

i tend to panic when one of my children gets hurt but i knew i had to get it together and take care of the situation.
somehow i washed his pitiful little toe.
i was shaking so much.....there was so much blood and it just looked awful.
i wrapped it up the best i could, AJ worked out a way for him to ride in the car with his foot elevated and we were off to the ER.

thankfully we were seen really quickly and we hardly had to wait any time for x-rays.
sawyer is such a tough little guy.
once we got to the ER he stopped crying and didn't cry again.
he has a little taggie blankie that he sleeps with.
he kept wringing it with his hands or gnawing on it, but he never cried.
i knew it hurt but he was so, so brave.

they had to wash his toe and move his foot all around on the x-ray table and he did so great with everything....never made a peep.
i would have been crying if it were me.

so there may be a little fracture in his toe...they couldn't tell for sure, but they wouldn't treat it anyway, so they didn't re-do the x-rays.
he will lose the toe nail and i am praying that it grows back properly.

seriously this kid is amazing.
they said he did better than most adults.
i believe that.

so he spent the day watching movies.
i changed his bandages every time he bled through them....i will spare you a picture of his toe.
you're welcome.
i'm praying that his little toe heals amazingly fast.
it still looks really awful and i want him to be able to enjoy summer time and run and play again soon.

i have felt so horrible that i let that happen to my baby and could have prevented it.
it makes my mama heart so sad.
i hate to see my boy in pain.
but i'm just going to have to let it go....because it did happen and i can't change that now.
i'm praying that i will listen when i hear God's voice...
and be obedient.

things i am thankful for:

he didn't lose his toe {seriously. i was nervous}.
i was with him and could be the one to take care of him.
this didn't happen yesterday {father's day/swim party/slipnslide w/ neighbors}.
tyelnol with coedine.

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  1. Aw! Poor little guy & poor mama! My middle child broke her leg when she was 18 months old. (It was a crack in the bone, not one of those horrific breaks) and remember feeling so guilty because I was right there beside her. Sending prayers for quick healing!

  2. Bless your heart! I just prayed for his toe and peace for you. It's so true that children are mama's hearts walking around outside of our bodies!

  3. Audrey hurt her toe like that and had to have stitches in it. The toe nail did fall off but it grew back eventually. Probably been over a year now and it still looks a little weird but should be fine over time. Amazing how long it takes. Glad he is ok. That is so rough on a mommy. I know too well.

  4. Oooohhh! I am glad he is ok. Don't beat yourself up, it happens. And what is important is that he is ok and you learned something. Prayers for y'all.

  5. I'm totally with you! Since April, one child has lost a toenail and a second child slammed thumb in door and required X-Rays and steri strips (they didn't want to knock her out to do stitches). Kids heal so quickly. Glad he'll be ok!

  6. Oh, I'm so sorry, Sara! That's terrible. :( I'm so glad he's OK.

  7. thank you all so much for your sweet words and prayers! :)


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