Friday, June 28, 2013

Thrifted Thursday {on friday}

oh my word.
i get the lamo blogger award.
yeah. i totally forgot to do thrifted thursday yesterday!
like, it never even crossed my mind.
my brain has gone to mush. that's all there is to it.

we have had a really fun, very summery week this week.
it's blazing hot....just the way i like it.
AJ has worked late several nights, but it's been okay.
we've spent a bunch of time outside and i have the bug bites to prove it. ;)

okay on to my thrifted finds...

oil painting in original frame.
this pic doesn't do it justice....i'll just tell's awesome. :)
and it's large.
this is another item my friend stacy brought me from cleaning out her grandma's house.
i may find a spot for it in our room...if i figure out what i'm doing in there.

my mom brought me this sweet little book that she found while thrifting.
aaah...i love it.
i love old books.
this one just has such a sweet cover and it's the original edition...1881!!!
so cool.

i love an old book with an life to the book.

the boys and i discovered pressed flowers in it this cool!
makes me wonder about dorothy and why those flowers were precious to her. :)

mom also brought me these vintage bingo cards.
i die.

i found this vintage floral plate at the thrift store for 50 cents.
it says england 1551 on the back. crazy.
i added it to my ever evolving plate wall in the dining room.

i plan to keep adding to it over time.
i love my house to look like it's been collected over time...i think that makes it so cozy. :)

my mom brought me these goldtastic mirrors to spray paint for my booth.
i thought i'd try them on my wall in the dining room and i like them! :)
i may not love them forever but they make me happy right now.
thanks mom!

so it's friday and we have nothing going on so i may try to get out and do some yard saling this morning.
with my four may be crazy!
i might need to stop by the bank and get them free popcorn for their troubles.  :)

have a great day y'all. :)

i LOVED seeing your fun thrifted finds from last week!!!!
won't y'all join me again?? :)

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  1. All the breath got sucked outta me when I saw that book!!!!!!!!!!!! I read that when I was little. If you think you should sell it, sell it to MEEEE!!!!

  2. I love old books with inscriptions too! How cool you found dried flowers in it too! My imagination would be working overtime! Lol :)

  3. What great finds! I love the character of that book too. Can't believe something so old was found at a thrift store. Very cool! Hope you have a great weekend!


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