Wednesday, March 28, 2012

let this be a lesson to you all.

so today i felt like total c-rud.
all day long.

okay, let me back up.
on monday night i met with a friend for coffee . . . at 7:45 pm.
i was so sleepy that i'm pretty sure i told the same story twice.
i kept yawning and i'm sure i made no sense whatsoever in anything i was talking about.
i am old and tired. that's just the plain truth.

so, last night i was meeting a different friend for coffee at 7pm.
i was determined to be alert and present in the conversation, so i got a full caff beverage.
{monday night i had gotten decaf}

good news, bad news.

good news:  i was awake and we had great conversation.
bad news: i  could. not. fall asleep last night.
dang you mint chocolate chip frappe!!

i tossed and turned for hours and just could not fall asleep.
finally i stumbled into the bathroom and took two big swigs from the bottle of benadryl.
then i looked at the clock.
2 am.
holy cow, i was thinking it was going to be around 11 or 12.
i realized right then, that i was going to pay for that big benadryl dose so close to morning.
plus, i have no idea how much i actually consumed.
i do not recommend this. 
i was just guessing that a good swig of it was about a teaspoon.
i think i was wrong.

so it took me about another hour to fall asleep.
then, at 5:30 am, AJ tried to wake me up to go to my scripture memory group.
i just waved him off and mumbled something about only being asleep for 2 hours.

i finally drug my self out of bed at 7.
AJ sweetly made me a big ol' starbucks via to help me wake up.
the combo of that with my overdose of benadryl was no. bueno.
seriously, i was hung over on benadryl all day.
i felt gross and jittery and shaky and cloudy headed until 5:00.

so there you have it.
a cautionary tale.
use a measuring cup.

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  1. Eww! Or just take a capsule! :)

  2. another tip--don't take migraine medicine that contains caffeine, and then drink coffee...i did that one night...i felt soooo jittery, couldn't stop moving..very nervouse..couldn't sleep..finally after a couple of hours i was able to lay down and fall asleep maybe an hour later.
    yes, medicine and coffee does some crazy things.:(

  3. huh? (goes to toryburchshoebags)...


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