Wednesday, March 7, 2012

on a wednesday afternoon

sweet brothers loving their sister.
yesterday sawyer said that ruby is his favorite sister.
my boys say sweet things all the time.
they get that from their daddy.

so....what are you doing right now....on this wednesday afternoon?

i am....

grating cheese for dinner tonight.
in between coats of paint on ruby's high chair.
waiting for the big boys to get home....any minute now.
dreaming about chocolate.

very tired.
i feel pretty much exhausted all the time.
i am feeling very scattered and unorganized.
i have a lot of things floating around in my mind.
currently 1051 unread emails in my inbox. seriously.

i don't have much to say except.
i am here.
just going along.
tired, but happy.


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1 comment:

  1. i love how ruby looks like she is very interested in the book with her eyes wide opened. that picture is so adorable.
    what a blessed family. have a good day:)


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