Friday, March 16, 2012

well hey there

i'm kinda fallin down on the job lately.
sorry for the lack of posts.
i'd love to say it's because i've been so busy cleaning my house from top to bottom and now it is spotless.
but that would be inaccurate.
life just gets a little crazay sometimes.
so here's what we've been up to this week....

aj texted me that pic last weekend while i was working at the consignment sale. 
he said they were doing bike races.
and he made sure to tell me that he had ruby's baby monitor outside.
he's a good dad.
handling four kids like a pro.
and not just handling...doing fun dad things like bike races up and down our long driveway.   
and how cute are those three boys?!

kelly, who leads our 4th grade girl's potter's house group with me, brought bible bingo last week.
it was rainy so they couldn't really play outside.
this was a hit.
honestly, they just wanted to win a prize and didn't really want to be bothered with the bible facts...but too bad.
they stuck with it and maybe they learned something along the way.
they were all engaged and happy, so that was nice.
some days you feel like you're making progress and some days you repeat to yourself, "never tire in doing good, never tire in doing good. . . "

her profile.
gorgeous. absolutely.

the many faces of sawyer.
this boy is a character.
he is always dressing up. . . always pretending to be a super hero or power ranger or bad guy or something.
i said, "show me a power ranger face, show me a super hero, show me a happy boy, etc."
this three year old boy brings us such. joy.
it makes me miss the days of avery and finley being that age.
but i am so thankful that my days with little ones are not over.
it is so. fun.

i love decorating this baby girl of mine.

my amazing friend, betsy, made these adorable st. patrick's day treats for the wet cement preschool kids.
{wet cement is the ministry of potter's house for children birth-pre-K. (i.e. my meliyah. :)}
she finds the best ideas from pinterest.
so cute and happy.

a free bouquet of beautiful tree cuttings.
right from our yard. 
flowers on the table make me so happy.

avery wanted me to take a picture of him wearing flip flops for the first time this year. 
he was pumped.
this child has ideas. 
and he is growing up so fast.

i forgot how happy this little girl was after several weeks of viruses...colds & pink eye gunk.
it's been so great to see her happy, happy face again.
she is a different child this week.  

so that's our week in a nutshell.
today is the boy's last day of school before a week off for spring break! 
this is the first weekend in months that we get to all be together for the whole weekend.
basketball is over. 
potter's house is off for two weeks. 
i am so looking forward to just being with my sweet family and hopefully recharging a bit. 
i am also looking forward to having all four of my kids together for a week and doing fun activities together. 

okay that's all i've got......blessings to you all today!

life rearranged

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  1. Those treats are a GREAT idea!! Your tree trimming center piece is pretty great too. Nice photos :)

  2. I love your pictures and am followeing on instagram and your blog now! found you from life rearranged instafridy. have a great weekend

  3. all adorable pictures and yes, the one picture of ruby's profile is so precious too.:)

  4. I LOVE the rainbow and pot of gold idea! Way too cute!

    Dropping by from InstaFriday!


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