Friday, March 2, 2012

our life in snap shots....

once again, i've picked up my phone camera way more than my big daddy canon rebel.

this is from sunday...when all the sickies started with my two littlest ones.
it's sad that my two little ones are the ones who got it, but i'm thankful that only two out of the six of us got sick. .....although, i did have a weird stomach thing for a's been a weird week. 

sawyer stayed home from potter's house and we worked on our fine motor skills.
notice his rosy cheeks.
he was sure sweet even through the fever.

breakfast routine.
AJ ready for work {tie tuesday} and reading Jesus Calling for Kids aloud.
sweet chilluns eating their cereals. 
we're a cereal eating family in this house. 

this swing is what got us through the early part of this week.
it was about the only place that ruby was content. 
saved my sanity, yes it did.

this week it was fin's turn to go to the basketball game with daddy
he was so excited.
woo pig sooie. they lost.
but finley got ice a win for him.

when he came home he looked so completely happy and joyful.
i just know that filled him up.

i'm really sorry if you live in the north.
but wooty hoo for march. 
yes, please. 
so long, winter. 
don't let the door hit you on your way out.

oh there's my happy girl! 
she turned a corner yesterday and was back to her happy, sweet, contented self!
praise Jesus.
of course, she did go ahead and decide to be up half the night last night, but that's neither here nor there.
we're on the mend, i can feel it. 

yay, see how happy i am that my sweet girl is back?!

that was right before i did this: {cue foreboding music}

that's just a snippet of a very long string of texts between me and my friend erin about my HAIR.
 in which she attempts to make me feel better about my very poor choice to get bangs.
oh drama.
seriously, i do not usually think or talk this much about my hair.
but sometimes, you make a bad decision.
and this was one of them.
so many people have cute, adorable bangs.
i am not one of them.
okay, enough talk about hair. sheesh.

today is another day at home this week.
sawyer and i busted out the paints.
i love to watch my children create.
we all have a need to some fashion....we are made in the image of our Creator.
art creating art.

i do not, one single bit, mind a mess that is created from art.
i actually love it.
it makes my soul happy.

and selfishly, he's entertained for quite a while.
plus, afterward, he takes a nice long bubble bath which gives me time to clean up the paint in solitude.
until he comes back in and needs his own sponge to help me clean. ;)

happy friday y'all! thanks for reading and commenting.
seriously, it means so much.

join me at instafriday?

life rearranged Pin It


  1. I cut my own bangs about 6 weeks ago after being inspired by a picture on Pinterest. I still hate them! I wish you'd post a picture so maybe I could feel a little better! Bangs are so hard to disguise...

  2. very funny text convo. And I love that huge smile with you and Ruby.

  3. Lol! Your funny.:) 2 weeks tell my B-day.:)

  4. Picture please!(of the bangs) haha
    adorable photos....have a great weekend.

  5. Oh my! There must be something in the air! I haven't had bangs since probably high school??? or around there, and in a moment of insanity I cut my own, and instantly hated them. I think I did it myself because my hair dresser would never agree to I have to avoid her and have bangs! :) Atleast you have a beautiful baby to distract from your bangs! Lol :)

    1. ha! that's hilarious....sounds like something i would do. :)

    2. :) yeah, sometime's when I read your posts I think the same thing...that sound's like something I would do! hahaha I'm convinced if we lived closer we would be great real life friends! :)

  6. Bang thing going on here, too. I want the elegant sideswept bangs that look so good on, well, everyone I see that has 'em. Sadly, I can't pull it off. I end up with little schoolgirl bangs that I try to fix by curling them a little then it's the 80's all over again. Pathetic. I think my forehead hairline isn't high enough for cute bangs and from your pictures that might be your issue too.
    I actually tried to sabotage myself at my last haircut by saying I wanted bangs again.....but my wise hair stylist flat out refused! lol.

    1. Tanya! That is exactly what I want! "elegant sideswept bangs"...good descriptive. I asked for swoop bangs....kinda like how reese whitherspoon wears them. and no, i don't think i can pull them off. although, i do like them better now that i am fixing them myself. but mostly, they look goobery. and fixing hair is not one of my skillz. i just get by.

  7. I'm still recovering from a traumatic bang incident from one year ago. I decided two days before I turned 30 to dye my hair dark brown and cut some of the funkiest, cow-lickiest bangs ever.

    As if turning 30 wasn't hard enough.

    And now I want to see yours, although I don't think it will make me feel better, seeing as you are always adorable ;)


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