Monday, March 5, 2012

six. months.

half a year.
just flying right by.
our sweet little ruby jane is six months old. 

sister weighs a little over fourteen pounds.
she's pretty little although her thighs most definitely are not.
she still has tiny little feet.
she's growing too long for 3-6 month clothes but she can only wear 0-3 month shoes.

she loves to grab her toes and try to shove them in her mouth.
in fact it was pretty difficult to get any pictures of ruby with her feet not yanked up to her mouth.

ruby has started eating cereal and we are just introducing vegetables.
she's not super into it....kinda like she could take it or leave it.
she does seem to like vegetables more than cereal...which, who wouldn't?  that cereal has no flavor.
she also, really wants to suck her thumb in between bites....pretty cute, but also pretty messy.

ruby loves to be held and interacted with.
she's starting to mimic our sounds and mouth movements.
i will tell you, it's adorable.

she also "hugs" us.
when we pick her up, she grabs our face and neck and neck and holds tight.
super sweet.

ruby loves to be out and about.
she does great in her car seat {big change from the first months of her life} and is content in it for a long time.
she makes it pretty easy to run errands and eat out.
so thankful for that.

as soon as we lay ruby down, she either grabs her feet or rolls over onto her stomach.
she doesn't last long that way and gets mad but won't roll back over to her back.
she does this in her bed every time. 
she pretty much always sleeps on her tummy now because of this.
she sucks her thumb with one hand and rubs the back of her head with the other.

our precious ruby is such a joy.
we are so thankful for her.

to see how much she's here for all her monthly pics up to now.

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  1. she is just beautiful....i love those brown polka dot leggings also....they look so cute with her outfit.... she looks like a joy.

    1. thank you lisa. i always appreciate your sweet comments. :)

  2. Oh my goodness! I could eat her up!!! Ruby is so adorably cute! Thanks for that fantastic round of pictures to brighten my Monday! :)

  3. I swear, she is just too adorable! Those eyes! Wow. Just wow.

  4. I love me some babylegs! I never had them before our last baby and I want to buy about 20 pairs now.

    I'm not sure if I've mentioned this (I don't always have a lot of time to leave comments), but it just gets better and better as the little ones grow up. Our baby is almost 2 now (with another on the way in June!) and we all just coo over her. Now that she is starting to talk, we just sit around and watch her. Such a blessing!

  5. So, so pretty. I was going to comment on the gorgeous flower, but then HER EYES got me! Her thighs are amazing, even if the rest of her is tiny.

    1. yay thanks! does this make you excited for your little girlie???

  6. i love that yellow dress and the babylegs. my favorite picture is the one of her holding onto the sign. good stuff. the first year is such a blur for me, too. i barely remember any of it.

  7. Ohhh she is soooo cute! I love the yellow outfit with the brown leggings! Such an adorable outfit! They grow so fast, enjoy every minute with your beautiful little girl =)

  8. Oh my goodness Sara, I could eat her up! She is getting so big and is so precious! Love her little outfit!


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