Tuesday, March 20, 2012

spring break, day 2: rain.

yesterday, {day one of spring break} we met friends at gymnastic's joes for open play.
very fun. 
the kids ran and bounced and jumped and flipped for an hour.
then we made our way down to chic fil a and managed to feed 9 small children without incident.

day two of spring break has been spent indoors.
non-stop rain would not have been my first choice but it could be worse.
we could have snow.

so . . . we're making lemons out of lemonade.
we curled up on the couch this morning and watched dumbo.
we've done a bunch of crafts.

i read a stack of books.
i pulled out the tunnel and set it up for them.
they've played store and farm and danced to music....

and now. . . i have two asleep and four of us are watching, Jesus the Miracle Worker....it's a little weird, half claymation and half cartoon. 
but you know, it's got a good message. 
and the kids don't seem to mind the odd looking claymation people. 

and big bonus, i finished the hunger games book one. 
and i plan to start book two momentarily. ;)

i think we're supposed to have another full day of rain tomorrow. 
i think we'll have to venture out again. 

the library maybe? 
any other suggestions??

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