Friday, May 18, 2012

friday stuff

hi there.
i have a thousand thoughts rolling around in my head right now.

and honestly, i am exhausted and hoping for a nap soon.
but my brain will not quit until i write some stuff down so here goes.

1. our pool is the color of algae. awesome. we're having some difficulties getting it opened for summer. trying to be patient! pool guys are coming on monday.
glass half full: the kiwi colored water discourages certain children from getting in before it's ready.

2. AJ and I are calling this our year of simplicity. 
remember me telling you that we are seeking to simplify our lives?
well, wow.
God is bringing that into focus big time right now.
there are things that we have been praying about and wondering about for months, that are finally becoming so simple and obvious.
hard things but good things.
sorry, that is so vague . . . for now.

the no tv thing has been seriously wonderful.
again, harder, more work to think of creative things for the boys to do.
but really, they are mostly figuring it out on their own.
it's been really good for us all.

3. this post: how to miss a childhood, is a must-read.
it is so worth the 5 minutes of your time to read.
it has been very challenging to me and i have re-read it a couple of times to get it to soak it in.

4. have you entered my dayspring giveaway to win the I am His jewelry set?
click here. do it. do it now. do it.

5. and now for some instafriday moments . . .

"look mom! i'm larry boy!"
ha ha ha! that boy is so stinkin' cute.
do you love the plethora of bandaids? 
mercy, he is adorbs.

mama carmen's espresso cafe'.
every wednesday morning at 6 am.
a power hour.
memorizing scripture. praying.  getting filled up by women who love Jesus.

this girl.
she has stolen our hearts fully and completely.
i am trying to suck up every last second with this sweet child.
she is growing so fast.
i love everything about her.

especially when she passes out in my arms and i get to watch her sleep.
i don't deserve this bliss.

potter's house thrift came through for me once again.
ruby and i did a little shopping there yesterday.
this fun find is and 8X10, i'd say.
it has an urban outfitters price tag on the back for $38.
i paid $2.95. blam.
stickin' it to the man.

have you joined instagram yet?
it's my fave.
wayyyy better than facebook or twitter. they are dead to me now.
simpler and prettier, i think. :)

join the instafriday fun at life rearranged....

life rearranged

happy friday . . .  enjoy your weekend.

here's hoping for a nap!

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  1. I too have reread the post on how to miss a childhood over and over again. It really spoke to me. Awesome score on the frame! And of course your kids are adorable :) Following you on instagram now

  2. I'm right there with you and wanting to simplify life and be more focused about motherhood and life in general. My biggest dilemma though, is feeling that if I just create a kind of bubble for my family how does that help anyone else unless I have some sort of "outlet" to share that with others?

    Although helping your family is a biggie right there and I'm all for protecting my family from negative outside influences. I'm simply referring to our interaction with the world as Christians and letting our lights shine, etc.

    I know blogging ISN'T the only way to do that OR that someone has to be active with social media, but I do feel having some sort of way to inspire other people, to share Truth and vision is needed. Kinda like our testimony, but how we go about doing that and living it out is a whole other question between us and the Lord.

    I certainly don't have it figured out yet. Looking forward to hearing more about your thoughts on this topic.


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