Monday, May 21, 2012

monday morning thoughts

it's 8:30 in the morning and i'm eating a piece of cold pizza and i'm really happy about it. :)

okay, Jesus Calling is SO.GOOD. today.

I have to share, in case you need to hear it too.
{and then go buy yourself a copy, seriously}.

"I, the Creator of the Universe, am with you and for you. What more could you need? When you feel some lack, it is because you are not connecting with Me at a deep level.  I offer abundant Life; your part is to trust Me, refusing to worry about anything. It is not so much adverse events that make you anxious as it is your thoughts about those events.  Your mind engages in efforts to take control of a situation, to bring about the result you desire.  Your thoughts close in on the problem like ravenous wolves.. Determined to make things go your way, you forget that I am in charge of your life.  The only remedy is to switch your focus from the problem to My Presence.  Stop all your striving and watch to see what i will do.  I am the Lord!"

wow. isn't that so good?
exactly what I needed to hear usual.

so, i received this comment/question on friday . . .
"I'm right there with you and wanting to simplify life and be more focused about motherhood and life in general. My biggest dilemma though, is feeling that if I just create a kind of bubble for my family how does that help anyone else unless I have some sort of "outlet" to share that with others? "

yes. i resonate with that.
i am the first one to say that i am crazy-nuts-in-love with my little family and would just love to wrap us up in a little bubble and spend all my time with them in pure, happy bliss.
but what good does that do the world?
we're supposed to share our lives with others and get our hands dirty.

that is why our family is involved with the potter's house ministry.
it is not neat and tidy. it is messy.
we've had the privilege of having our meliyah girl stay with us for the past few days and it is hard and good and overwhelming and sweet.
sometimes this ministry that God has given us feels too hard and too much for us.
but then we are gently reminded that God has gifted us with this one wild and precious life and we want to live it well.
we want to waste our lives on Jesus.
this is the work, Heaven is the rest.

our year of simplicity is not only about simplifying our lives and getting rid of the fluff, it's also about spending our days on what matters.
our sweet pastor Jim always asks, "are you spending your time, talents and money on what matters?"
It's one thing to talk about these things but it is so much more to try to actually live them out.

so here we go, one shaky step in front of the other . . . leaning hard on God's mercy and grace.


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  1. Sara--You never cease to amaze me. We had a special weekend at Family Camp this weekend and prayed the do we "simplify" in this wild and crazy life has called us too. You and your family are a sweet aroma of His grace and love...praying for you all as you seek Jesus' guidance in simplifying for Him.

  2. ...this wild and crazy life JESUS has called us to.

  3. Sara,

    I continue to enjoy reading about your life and being encouraged by you. I am so proud of the way you and A.J. posture your hearts before the Lord. May He continue to bless you with provision, grace, strength, and mercy. And may His favor rest upon you and your family as you walk out His purposes in your lives.

    1. Wow. Thank you so, so much. I receive this and I so appreciate it.

  4. I'm thankful for great examples like your family. It's beautiful to see how the Lord uses everyone in unique ways as you allow Him to. The people who live out Christianity in all their human imperfection are an inspiration & so needed because by their example they encourage & inspire other (imperfect) people to do likewise.

    1. thank you and amen to that! yes, we are so very imperfect and so thankful for a God who uses messes like us to do something good. it is all to His credit that He could do anything at all with us.


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