Wednesday, May 30, 2012

hello summer.

summer is in full swing and i couldn't be happier about it. 

we enjoyed a lovely three day weekend full of eating and swimming and enjoying family & friends.

we had an after-the-kids-are-in-bed fondue date with friends. 

we made super fun & easy canned biscuit donuts for breakfast two of the three mornings.

we ate picnic-style by the pool.
i plan to do that all summer long. 

we had a fancy date night at a beautiful wedding. 
a wedding with a photo booth.
yes. please. :)

we hosted a cook out and pool party for memorial day celebratin'.  

ruby had her first time in a swimming pool and first time in a swim suit.
oh sigh.
i love a baby girl in a swim suit.
i am so stinkin' happy that i get to put a girl in swim suits...they're so adorable!

she was like a cat in water at first....kept holding her legs out of the water.
but she got used to it pretty quickly and was splashing her arms by the end.
she must be a water baby to live in this family. non negotiable.  

hello, summer. 
i like you.

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  1. Awww! I remember putting my girls in those cute little swimsuits! I can still do that with the 4 year old a little, but the older ones have their own tastes now. :-/

  2. I keep thinking how yummy those strawberries look. Wondering if you and AJ will ever grow out of kissy pictures or if we will ever grow into them. Our own, not yours. :)

    1. oh tonya, embrace the PDA! 13 1/2 years and still going strong...don't think those kissy pics are going anywhere. :)


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