Wednesday, May 2, 2012

eight months

baby girl is eight months old.

and yes, i feed her well. ;)

this past month she said her first two words!

first she said "bubba" and continues to say it {with a huge smile} when she sees her brothers.
her second word was "dadda," which again is accompanied with a huge grin when she sees her daddy.

some things about our 8 month old ruby girl: 

*she blows raspberries when she's happy
*she's ticklish 
*she's very cuddly. she holds on to me and buries her face in me with a big grin. 
*she loves to play peek-a-boo
*she loves to bounce in her "janey-jump-up"
*she sits up completely unassisted now
*she shoves every living thing she can get her hands on, into her mouth
*she sleeps great
*she eats 2 baby food jars at a sitting, 3 times a day
*she loves to be sung to
*she is a happy, sweet baby girl. :)

yes, her belly is folding over the top of her tutu.
sister is juicy. :)

she still loves that sweet thumb. 

what a precious joy.

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  1. "Bubba" is the cutest first word ever, but it's still not as cute as she is. :) But seriously, that is major affection that her first word is for her brothers!


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