Monday, March 11, 2013

good monday morning.

 my goal for the new year  of reading one book per month is in jeopardy.
i'm still on one thousand gifts and it's march 11.
aj said i could average 12 books in a year. :)
i'm gonna need some quick reads next!

one thousands gifts is soooo good though.
i have underlined 1/3 of the book probably.
so. good.
exactly what i have needed.

this morning i put a big ol' star around this passage.....

"While the Deceiver jockeys to dupe us into thinking otherwise, we who are made in the image of God, being formed into Christ's likeness, our happiness comes, too, not in the having but in the handing over.  Give your life away in exchange for many lives, give away your blessings, to multiply blessings, give away so that many might increase, and do it all  for the love of God.  I can bless, pour out, be broken and given in our home and the larger world and never fear that there won't be enough to give. Eucharisteo has taught me to trust that there is always enough God.  He has no end.. He calls us to serve, and it is Him whom we serve, but He, very God, kneels down to serve us as we serve.  The servant-hearted never serve alone.  Spend the whole of your one wild and beautiful life investing in many lives, and God simply will not be outdone.  God extravagantly pays back everything we give away and exactly in the currency that is not of this world but the one we yearn for: Joy in Him."

aaaahhh. so good.

okay to get ready for my monday.
praying that i can stay connected to Jesus today and be a blessing.

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  1. I so, so needed this right now. What powerful words of truth.
    Thank you for sharing them. :)

  2. Just started reading that book in my women's Bible Study group! Have only read the first 2 chapters so far, but looking forward to the rest!


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