Thursday, March 28, 2013

thrift store thursday is back!

with kansas thrifting for the win.

while we were in kansas for a few days over spring break, i had to run into my favorite thrift stores.
they're called "the Etc. shop" and they are so cheap!
i always grab up a bunch of stuff to bring back to the booth.

i didn't find a ton but i did find these beauts . . .

i always keep my eye out for good vintage suitcases when i'm thrifting.
i sent the dark olive green/ brownish one to the booth and kept the others at home.
they may eventually go too, but i'm holding them back in case i find a place for them here.

i also found a few little doo-dads.

the butterflies will be spray painted . . . what color??

floral tin that smells like my grandma.
i always grab a good wood frame.
the photo is too bright but this lovely apron is beautifully detailed.
i'm a sucker for a vintage apron.
that jar is my kind of happy.
i will be keeping it. :)

vintage badminton racket.

vintage needlepoint set.

 tie for aj and silver dish for me.

i happily paid $1 each for these amber glasses to keep.
so pretty.

okay that's it for today....what have y'all found lately?

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  1. Looove the suitcases! They have been flying out of my booth lately!

  2. I love it all. Especially the amber glasses. Great decision to keep them. :)
    Oh, and I think the butterflies should be painted yellow. Sunshine yellow.

  3. butterflies: yellow, aqua, white, and coral!


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