Friday, March 22, 2013

what. a. week.

you know how crazytown it is to move right?
yeah....well that is where i live right now.

and somehow, it's only been 2 years since we moved last and i still forgot how much work it is to actually haul your eleventy billion boxes from one house to another.
and presume on the kindess of your friends to work endlessly on your behalf.

honestly we have felt God's favor and blessing so. much. on this move.
from an amazing deal on this foreclosure that is way nicer than it should be, to selling things we don't need & buying things we do on craig's list, to the boys being in kansas for a few days while we packed up and moved, etc, etc.
we are so thankful and excited.

yes, we are living in the land of boxes...but we are so thrilled with this house and i for one can't wait to decorate it!! :)

i snapped a bunch of pics the morning of our move so that our boys could see our old house all packed up.
it looks like so little when it's spread throughout the house but i believe it took 4 truck loads to get it all moved over.
isn't that crazy?!

whew, i'm glad that part is over!
now the unpacking, organizing and figuring out where the heck my toothpaste is begins!
many long, long days right now, but it will all pay off when we make this house a home.  :)

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  1. congratulations sara on moving to a new, to make wonderful new memories there. have fun!

  2. It's so exciting to move to a new place, isn't it? A clean slate and all that. But the work involved? Phew, makes me tired just thinking about it. Just remember, it will be later soon. And everything will all be in place. Good luck!


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