Thursday, March 7, 2013

thrift store thursday!!!

oh yeah. it happened.
it was a crazy fast whirlwind, but mama got to go thrifting.
all is right in the world.

sawyer was pumped to go to "school" today.
he loves going and can't get there fast enough.
he also needs to bring various accessories, like 3 superheroes & a pair of broken handcuffs stuffed into his pocket.

i had a few minutes before ph thrift opened so i ran into lowes to check out the rugs & light fixtures.

see that jelly jar sconce up on the top left of that pic?
i picked up four of those {for less than 20 bucks total} for finley & sawyer's room in the new house.
their room is actually a big bonus room so we are using it for their bedroom & play room all in one.
it's a huge room.
it also has four sconces that are way to fancy for a little boys' room.
i think these simple $4 sconces will be perfect.

next, i put the pedal to the medal to get over to the thrift store before all the good stuff was gone.
i didn't find a ton, but i did find these great rugs.
like seriously, i am in love.

this phone pic doesn't do it justice.
hello southwest. hello wool. hello rusty orange with a pop of turquoise.
hello vintage perfection.
yes. please.
this one went straight to the booth.

i also picked up this sweet red & brown one for avery's room in the new house.
i am so excited to decorate his new room.
my plan is for a very boyish, vintage, campy vibe.

this is not super exciting but i also picked up a bath rug for $5.
yes, i will wash it.
it's exactly the same as one we already have.
we just need another one and i would rather pay $5 than $10-20 at target.

the steal of the day was this solid brass tray.
it was marked from 19.99 down to 50 CENTS.

well crud i forgot to take a picture.
can you see it in this pic?

i almost kept it for myself...i can see it on a coffee table or entry table.
great, classic piece.
however...we're moving and i have enough to pack as it is.
so to the booth it went.
if it's still there after we move, i will probably snag it back. ;)

i had one more stop to make before picking up the littles.
tomorrow night AJ and i are going to a private showing of the norman rockwell collection at crystal bridges.
woo hoo. date night.

it's business casual.
yeah. well. this SAHM doesn't own business casual.
i have either really casual or really dressy.
so obviously i headed to forever 21.

i texted this pic to AJ from the dressing room as asked if this was business casual.
he said, get it. ha.

the girl at the checkout asked if i had an interview.
;) i guess i got it right.

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  1. I'm having a major case of rug envy. And Norman Rockwell envy. Annnnndddd you look hotttttt!

  2. I have those same bath mats, I got them at Sams Club in a pack of 4, two smalls and two larges, for a super steal. I got lucky and they were in an opened package so further marked down. They clean up really easy in the washer with bleach and Oxy.
    Look forward to seeing Sawyers room, my own sons room is in the midst [STILL] of a redo. I hope to get it finished this spring.

  3. Love the post and am excited to see the new place! Those lights are so fun! Also, maybe this is weird, but I noticed that Sawyer got new boots. Glad you found some!


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