Wednesday, February 29, 2012

i am going to write this post and then take a nap.

last night was a verrrryyyy long night.
in the middle of the night, it seemed like one of the hardest we've had as parents.
but in the light of day, i don't think it's true.
like...i think when avery had the rotavirus as a baby, that was worse.
worse as in, i threw his crib bumper out in the rain because it was soaked in you-know-what.
the last few nights have been rough though, and i'm pretty much running on empty.
but today is a new day and we've got antibiotics and probiotics to show for it. :)


am i the only person in america to not be watching downton abbey or reading the hunger games?
i knew it.


a friend recently introduced me to bubbly water....La Croix, to be exact.
and i am officially addicted.
i want to be drinking it all the live long day.
and i pretty much am.
i feel so european.


 rhea lana's children's consignment sale is starting up this week.
i'll be working it here and there.
i usually work more during the second sale of the season.
if you're local, you should consign and shop.
you get great $$$$$$$$$ for your clothes & toys & whatnots plus you can get all of your kid shopping done at once for a steal.
and there is really good stuff.
it's not cruddy, i promise. ;)
everyone brings their best items.

if you can't get your act together in time to cosign for this one, there will be another one at the end of april, fyi. :)


okay since a post is pretty lame without are some of little miss ruby girl.
{taken by my father in law}

ruby turned 6 months last thursday and i still have not taken her 6 months pictures.
that's mostly due to the fact that i thought i'd wait until her cold clears up so that she doesn't have snot crusted on her face.

i love her sweet angel kiss by her mouth....i hope it never goes away.

ruby and grandpa.....


okay, i really am going to try to take a nap now.
both the little ones are sleeping so i need to make hay while the sun shines.

p.s. thank you guys so much for liking my facebook are the bread to my butter.

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  1. I am not watching Downton Abbey (b/c I tried it and really did not like it) or currently reading Hunger Games because I read it a while back. Hope that makes you feel a little better! AND I hope the kids feel better very soon!

  2. No Downtown Abbey or Hunger Games at my house either. I wonder what I'm missing out on...but don't have the time to find out. :)

  3. We are currently watching series one of Downton Abbey in South Africa, I love it, but that can be because I secretly wish I lived in that time. No Hunger Games here since the books are still very expensive and I don't think it's my cup of tea. So your not alone :)


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