Monday, April 30, 2012

one wild and precious life

we had a wonderful weekend.
we had great time as a family and great time as a couple.
we talked a lot.

Source: via Kasi on Pinterest

we've been talking a lot about what we want for our lives.
we don't want to just go with the flow and watch our lives pass us by.
we talked about longing for a simple life.
with our family.
without so many distractions.
we talked about what life we want to make for ourselves and our children. . . and how to get there.

a lot of deep thinking going on over here lately.
pondering, questioning, praying.
i think we have let busyness and distractions consume so much of our life that we are just kind of along for the ride . . . not really making it what we want it to be.

we are taking a step back and looking at how we are living.
i am excited and nervous and hopeful about the future. :)

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  1. Any and all "family goal" conversations are ones we need to have over here too. We do "simple" well by keeping our calendar far from busy, but didn't do simple well when we bought a fixer-upper. At some point you guys will have to move and working on a home equals distractions. I'm serious.

  2. I loved this Sara, really I want the same for my family and am encouraged to pursue this vision, and it certainly helps when others share their desire to make it a reality...looking forward to hearing more about this whole concept! So exciting! : )


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