Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The cutest 11 month old you've ever seen.

How is it that my baby is 11 months old???
This year is FLYING.

Wow, what a sweetie we have in our Sawyer.
He has changed so much this past month.
Teeth are popping out like crazy, he got 3 more this month and some more are well on their way.

He finally gave up the army crawl for I'm-gonna-get-that-itty-bitty-toy-before-you-can crawl.
He's crawling all over the house and it's amazing how much ground he can cover in just a few seconds!
He's started waving and  it's so adorable.  He waves for bye-bye, for hi to anyone who comes near him, and for "all-done" when he's eating.

He's very busy.  He's pulling up constantly...and therefore getting many bumps along the way.
He l-o-v-e-s to go into the big boys room to dig through their toys.  They are much more exciting than his lame-o baby toys.
He's super happy, smiley & flexible.
Here he is in one of his favorite spots. :)

He is crazy about animals.  You already know about his love-affair with our cat.
He gets so excited when I read him a book with animal pictures.  He starts smiling really big and babbling and trying to "pet" the pictures. 
If we see dogs when we're out and about, it's all he can do to get over to them and grab their fur.

What great joy it is to watch this sweet boy learn and grow! 

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  1. I've always thought that he looked like you and Finley, but in that 3rd picture down he looks like Avery with brown hair! :)

  2. SO sweet!
    I am making granola this week! Yum!


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