Thursday, October 8, 2009

For the memory

I want my boys to always remember what kind of daddy they are blessed with.

The kind who leaves messages for them on their chalkboard when he has to leave before their sleepy-heads make it down the hall.

The kind who walks in the door ready to wrestle.

The kind who races to beat their mama into the room to see them first.

The kind who gets up in the middle of the night to calm a frightened boy or bring a drink of water. 

The kind who hurts when they hurt.

The kind who can barely stand to hear his son cough in the night.

The kind who reads to his boys every single night.

The kind who teaches them how to ride a bike, climb a rock, bat a ball, and
most of all,  praise their Savior.

The kind who gets up early every day to spend time with his First Love.

The kind who works hard and rushes home when the work is done. 

The kind who is happiest when he has his wife & boys nearby.

The kind who teaches them to love Jesus and love their mama. 

Boys, your daddy is a good man.

I want you to know that God gave you such a treasure when he gave you your Daddy.

We are blessed. Pin It


  1. Soooo incredibly sweet! I'm teary eyed. :-)

  2. This made me cry. So sweet, so honoring, and so true.


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