Sunday, October 11, 2009

It was 42 degrees.

Yesterday we had the privilege of getting to participate in The Titus Task Fun Run and 5K.

The Titus Task was started by Noel & Lori Tugwell as a fund to support local families who are in the process of domestic or international adoption.  

 Noel & Lori's son Titus died of severe malnutrition in his orphanage in Haiti before they were able to bring him home.  They have already adopted 2 children internationally and are in the process of adopting a sweet 11 year old boy named, Louis.  You can read about their amazing story here.

Our community group decided to participate together.  What a fun time we had!

It was a C-O-L-D morning for October.  
We walked with our friends/community group members, Bill & Karen, and Jon & Renae.

We were all bundled up & ready to go!  First was the family fun run/walk.

Bill & Karen with their sweet Henry...

Let's notice that everyone has gloves except for my BABY.
Yeah, accidentally left  his bunting at home.
Mom of the year.
I really love this picture, though.
That's a happy family right there.

I took this picture myself.  Pretty proud of that fact.
Even if my hair is funky & I have no make-up on.

I really love that picture. I love that kid. I can feel the way it feels to hug him when I look at that picture.  That makes me happy.

goofy boy.
The race finally started.  The boys went tearing off down the road.  They ran pretty much the whole way.
I enjoyed walking & talking with friends. :)

After the fun run was the 5K.  The guys ran it together.  Well, except for Jon who bailed out mid-race to go start making us some yummy breakfast for after the race. We appreciated his sacrifice. :)

AJ was excited to see what it would be like to run a 5K.   And, he loved it.  A whole lot easier than the half-marathons that he's used to running.  He's running one next weekend in KC actually.

While the men were running the 5K I took the boys to get their faces painted. 
Avery always asks to get his face painted.  I most always say "no" b/c I don't want to pay $6 for someone to paint a peace symbol on his face.
I was excited to say "yes" this time....and the designs they were offering were really elaborate and FREE.  music to my ears.

Avery picked a batman "mask." 
Very exciting for a 6 year old boy.
A little creepy for mama.

Unfortuanately my camera died while Finley was getting his face painted so I didn't get a picture of his.  He got a spider on his nose with his whole face being the web.  yeah.
However, Fin can't really stand stuff on his skin, so it had barely dried before he was picking it off.
While we were waiting, Sawyer and I watched the kids play around. Sawyer was loving it.
Another mom offered to take our picture.
Pretty sweet if you ask me.
I love those squishy fingers.

After the run we all got to go to Jon & Renae's for a big, yummy breakfast. 

It was such a great morning.  Pin It


  1. Loving all these pictures. That looks like a really fun family activity and a great cause. Good work, Neufelds!

  2. How fun! I do love the family picture and all the others of you and your boys. I wish I looked like you w/o make up cute girl!

  3. Oh, man! My computer isn't letting me view your pictures. :(

    It was such a fun morning, though!

  4. WOW! You look great without make-up! I can't even tell you don't have any on. You "forgot" to mention that AJ got 1st place in his age division!!! Sorry we were too lame to brave the cold with you guys! ;)

  5. After seeing your pictures I'm thinking that we probably made the right decision, though. I don't think I even have hats and gloves for my kids, yet. I'm sure I don't have anything like that for Annelise.

  6. Don't you have hats & gloves from last year? We use the same ones for years!


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