Saturday, October 31, 2009

How it went.

Thank you everyone for praying!
I definitely felt your prayers.
It went amazing.
She is a doll.
Example #1:

 She is just as precious as can be.
She smiled all day.
She mostly just followed me around the house looking at me with those big brown eyes.
She's super quiet.  She didn't talk much at all, and when she did I couldn't really understand her....she is 2 after all.
By the end of the day, I was starting to be able to understand her more.  I think I will understand her speech more and more with time.
She did anything I asked her to do and never fussed or cried once...not one time.
She was seriously a dream.
I kept wondering what she was thinking.  Was she scared?  Did she even know what to think?
The boys adored her and did not want to take her home at the end of the day.

We met AJ for lunch because AJ just had to see her!
It went great.  It was hectic b/c there were 4 of them.  But, again, she was a dream and
just stayed right by my side the whole time and held my hand.
She played with the girly things we had for her and enjoyed them, but I think her favorite things of all were the boys' play food and light saber.  ha!  When Finley shot it out, her eyes lit up and she squealed with delight and clapped.  So funny.
At nap time I put her in my bed and laid down with her.  She looked around the room for about 1 minute and then closed her eyes and went to sleep.  I got up and put pillows around her and she didn't budge.  She slept for almost 3 hours and I finally went in and woke her up.  Yeah, I KNOW.
What a blessing from the Lord!

Again, thank you all for praying.
It went better than I could have imagined.
I still would love your prayers.
Prayers that we would bond.  Prayers that she would feel safe and comfortable here and enjoy coming.
Prayers that we would be a blessing to her.
Prayers for my endurance & strength.  Even as easy as she is, it's still tiring to have a child in your home that is not your own.  I was definitely exhausted by the end of the day.
Please pray for our protection from the enemy.  He's fierce.

God is good!

*Also, I just want to say real quick that I am not posting about this because I want anyone to be proud of me or think I'm super spiritual or something.  I just have to bear witness to this work God is doing in my life.  I can't not write about it because it is obviously taking over our lives.  God is taking over our lives.  I want to be an encouragement to press in close to God and allow Him to change you and live a life that is more exciting than you could imagine.  It's all that matters really.  This life is a wisp, by the way.
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  1. Sara, I have occasionally checked your blog, which I saw on Ruth Lee's. Anyway, just fun to see how people from way back are doing. I just have to tell you thanks for sharing what God is doing in your life. I believe He is moving all across the world to awaken His children to see the hurting world. He is breaking our hearts for those in need. I think it is awesome that you have followed the promptings you have felt and that you are taking a step of faith. God is stirring in our family as well and I am excited to see where this takes us. I will pray for you in this journey. It must tear your heart apart to send her back home. May God give your whole family an open heart to love her and her family. Blessings! Katie

  2. So great that it went so well. God is good!! How often will she be in your home?

  3. She is PRECIOUS! Just wipe away your worries and love on her. That is what's going to have the greatest kingdom impact.

  4. Praise the Lord!!! Love you friend!! Praying still!!

  5. I love you, friend. I couldn't wait to see the pictures of her. She is so beautiful.

  6. Tears in my eyes! Tears of joy for you and her. Tears of sadness to think about what she faces when she's not at your house.

  7. She is SO precious. Recently I've had such a burden for the hurting children of this world. You're inspiring me to do something similar to this. I'm so thankful it went well!

  8. Oh Sara...she is absolutely precious...THOSE EYES! I am so glad everything went well.

  9. Sara, Thanks for sharing what God is doing in your life. It is so awesome when He surprises and awes us with His LOVE and JOY! You are such an encouragement. Glad I stopped by here for a visit with you.


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