Thursday, June 2, 2011

rambling and another soap box.

it's june!! yay!
i love june.
warm and sunshine and summerrrrrrr!!!

this week avery has swim lessons every day at noon. 
it's a little crazy but also fun. 

we are working on getting our pool opened....i think it will be ready tomorrow.
so. excited.
we've never had a pool so this is a new adventure for us.
i love love love to swim so i think this will be a wonderful summer. :)
plus i think it will be nice to float my large whale-ish self in the water all day.

did you think i forgot about the dayspring giveaway?? 
okay well i kinda did.
for a minute.
but we have a winner!

congratulations. . . 


shelly's name was chosen using a random number generator. me & i'll give you the code! congrats. :)

have you found and attached yourself to pinterest yet? 

ooooh, i love it.

if you haven't, it's a much better way of bookmarking stuff across the interwebs. 

it's super easy to "pin" your favorite photos and sites for future reference. 

plus you can see each other's boards and get inspired.

you can follow people whose taste you like to get even more ideas.

it's already helping me get organized. and it's easy. 

i'm a fan. 

the other day a facebook friend posted a question about tipping.
i was so surprised by the responses.
one person said 0.
one guy ranted about how sick of tipping he was. . .
how 10% wasn't good enough anymore and now that the norm was 15 or 20% he was just going to eat at home. 
i was appalled. 

one word: generosity.

when aj and i are wondering how much we should tip or pay a babysitter or give to someone in need, etc., we always remind ourselves, "let's err on the side of generosity."
and you know what, we don't have much money.
but God has always taken care of us and provided everything we need and more. 
i think if our approach is, "how can we bless this person?" we would not be ticked off about paying a 20% tip. 
it would be our pleasure. 
should money be that important to us? 
i am preaching to myself as well....let's hold loosely to our stuff and our money.
let's always put people above possessions. 
if we are that attached to our pocket change, then we should throw our money in the trash, literally, because it is becoming a god. 
okay there's my soap box for today.

mercy...i think this pregnancy is making me fussy.
i also decided today that another of my pet peeves is people who cut in line. 
watch out for pregnant sara, she's on a war path! ha!

okay friends...have a wonderful june day! 
hope you're all having sunshine. :)

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  1. YAY for summer!! and I totally agree with you about the tipping.

  2. I agree with you about the tipping... people that rely on tips work for below minimum wage... like you we are not wealthy but are blessed to have all our needs taken care of... and that couple of extra dollars it takes to give them a nicer tip means more to them than to me...

  3. go to and you'll find a great way to spend your money!

  4. yes, yes, that is a GREAT way to spend money. thank you so much for sharing!

  5. i just wanted to make a comment about your blog sara. i don't know how i first stumbled across it, but i just wanted to say, i always love to read the posts...they are always so interesting and pleasant to read. i look forward to reading them whenever you have a new post. it shows that your family is very loving and happy, without bragging at all. well, that's all i wanted to say.:)lisa

  6. wow lisa, thank you so much. your encouragement is such a blessing. you made my day! :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I totally agree. I always tip at least 20% or more... except when I go through Starbucks. After I fork out so much money for a so-so drink, I am always bitter and annoyed and have no charity left with which to tip them. It's really a problem. I probably should just not go there anymore, because it's not bringing out the best in my character. ;)

    Enjoy your pool, I am uber jealous!


I love and so appreciate your comments! They make my day. :)