Friday, June 3, 2011

summer and stuff

the week of memorial day feels like the start of summer to me.
even though my boys have been out all month.
it could also be the fact that it's finally warm and sunny around here.
summer makes me a happy girl.
i was made for warm weather. 

okay...2 things i love:

1. my steamer/frother that aj got me for mother's day.

i love it.
i use it about 3 times a day.
i add it to hot tea, coffee or just make a steamer with a little vanilla & raw sugar.
yum yum yum.
good job, baby.

2. fresh cut flowers from the yard.

i love to have fresh flowers on the table at all times.
it is happy.
our yard is full of flowery surprises.
someday i want to have my own cutting garden.
and that antique vase that i have had forever is the icing on the cake. 

tomorrow we are having a yard sale....the boys are having a lemonade stand because it is going to be {as aj so eloquently puts it} hotter than blue blazes.

they had fun making a sign for their stand.

even if you don't want to buy my junk, i'm sure you want to come out and buy "avery and finley's delcious lemonade" for 25 cents. :)

avery's had swim lessons all week.
it's fun, but i'm glad we're done.

he's such a litte fish.
i love that sweet boy. :)

you know what i don't get?

i mean, i get the point of them for running.
but i don't get why i keep seeing everyone wearing them around lately.
they look hot and uncomfortable to me.
someone, please fill me in.
and please don't be offended if you love them.
they are just a mystery to me.

okay friends that is all . . .  enjoy your weekend!! Pin It


  1. I COULDN'T AGREE MORE! (With that last point.)

  2. My husband has those hideous toe shoes in black (they look like gorilla feet!). I hate them! He adores them- apparently walking barefoot is the best thing for your feet and is good for your leg muscles, hence the shoes that imitate walking barefoot. At least so they say. Still, I don't get them, either! He swears they're comfortable, too. I will never know because I won't be ordering them for myself anytime soon!

  3. We start swim lessons next week. Kids love them, but I admit, they're not my favorite thing!

    I am TOTALLY with you on the tipping thing, and about having an attitude of generosity. If we are always looking for ways we can bless, then it will make our lives so much happier and bless others at the same time. And my pet peeve: If you're 31 years old and haven't been a student for 9 years, then don't use your very outdated student ID to save $2 at the movie theater. Seriously, your integrity is worth more than $2. I know someone who did this and it made me so sad for them.

    Have a fun summer!

  4. I have been thinking the same thing about those hideous shoes. Seriously. We saw someone wearing them in the grocery store the other day and he must have thought I was rude or just nosey because I had to stare. I just had to. lol. they are so weird.

  5. hahaha. that is too funny about those "shoes". i never heard of them before. they do look funny, but, i guess kids would love to wear them since they look funny. i also have to read up about that steamer/frother...sounds great. have a fun weekend.:)lisa

  6. HaHAAAA! I just saw those for the first time the other day when I was at the gym and I did a double, and then a triple take. This married couple was both sporting them, and I thought they were the weirdest looking thing I had ever seen.


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