Friday, February 3, 2012

instafriday yo.

hey there.
so happy for another friday to roll around.
this has been a long week so i'm happy to close the curtain on it.
sometimes you just need to start over, right?

a few random snapshots of the past week . . .

last weekend we went to the lake to celebrate a dear friend's 30th birthday.
it was wonderful and carefree and fun.
driving through arkansas is the hills of the ozarks.

sunday afternoons are often spent cleaning before my potter's house girls roll in.
a little raspberry tea and chocolate take the edge off.
p.s. have you tried that chocolate? you should. lindt knows what they're doing.

on monday, the littles and i loaded up and walked to the elementary school to eat lunch with finley.
ruby was a big hit with the first graders. :)
i think fin was really excited to show her off.
a little girl at his table kept stroking her precious.

our dryer quit drying last week.
i was telling my bible memory girls about my laundry with no dryer woes and my sweet servant of a friend followed me home and commandeered my laundry.
she brought it back a few hours later all clean and perfectly folded.
what a sweet, sweet blessing.
i want to be like her. i have a looonnnnng way to go.

spray painting is my kind of therapy.
thankful and happy for nice weather to get to do it.

my sweet little finley has come so far in his reading this year!
it's been really exciting to see.
i love hearing him read to me.  :)

okay friends...that's it for me.
check out some more instafun at liferearranged.

life rearranged

happy weekend to you all.

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  1. Stopping by from Life Rearranged! I love lindt chocolate! How fun to have lunch at school! Awesome friend with the laundry!

  2. I have friends who would do what your friend did with your laundry...and I want to be like them...because they are like Him. I, too, have a loooong way to go.

  3. Would you believe that I have never had sea salt chocolate!? I think I need to try some in the very near future!

  4. A few years back our dryer quit drying as well. I mentioned it in my Bible Study group as a prayer request because $ back then was TIGHT!!! I didn't know what we were going to do. A few days later a new-to-us dryer was delivered to my house. All the ladies in my group pitched in together and bought us a used dryer. It's the one I'm still using. Last year my husband bought me a nice new front loading washing machine. I don't even really want the matching dryer because the dryer I have is so special to me. I love my miss matched set.


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