Monday, February 20, 2012

monday, monday.

are you celebrating president's day today?
aj's work is not. lame.
but, bonus, his parents are here and are big time entertainment for my four children.

we have had a very busy and fun weekend. 

life has been pretty full lately and i am way behind on my blog reading... i have a handful of blogs that i usually read daily and they are so encouraging, inspiring, & lovely.

do you read (in)courage?

are you going to (in)real life??

i am and i'm super pumped.

amber {@ the RunaMuck}, my (in)real life girlfriend writes about it here.

it's coming up in april...i encourage you to find one in your area and attend.
if you are around me....come to our (in)RL and let's chat!
you don't have to be a blogger...just come and let's encourage each other, k?

here's a little vid to get you inspired. :)

let me know if you're coming to the nwarkansas one!

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1 comment:

  1. oooo, I'm going to the one here in Indiana, I live in Kentucky, but it's right on the border of IN, so wish I was going to NWA one, so I could chat with you about the life of having 4 kiddos, being a wife, mommy etc, and not the least the Lord.


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