Tuesday, February 7, 2012

tuesday stream of consciousness

good morning.
happy tuesday.

just checking in to say hi.

just going along in our little world over here.

basketball practices.
piano lessons.
enjoying our friends.

just normal life going on.

ruby was dedicated at our church on sunday.
our friends and family gathered around us and agreed in prayer for her life.

we had some friends over for super bowl on sunday night.
of course i didn't watch one second of the game.
i watched a couple of commercials but mostly talked and ate.

i made pioneer woman's wing's.....as i do every super bowl.
they are so good and so bad.
we had a bunch of yummy snacky food and the kids ran in and out and all around.
aj had the fireplace going so hot that we had to open the windows.
fun night.

good news: ruby is rolling a bunch now.
bad news: she keeps rolling over to her stomach in her bed and then gets mad because she's on her face and is too tired to turn back over.

i'm going to a PTA meeting today.
isn't that such a mom-ish thing to do?
i'm really feeling like a mom lately. . . even though i've been a mom for 9 years.
it's hard to explain...i guess i'm just feeling older.

we're looking for a house to buy.
we're praying a lot.
trusting the Lord.

valentine's day parties are coming up....i really want to make something super cute and crafty for the boys to pass out.
but i will probably end up just picking out some lame pre-packaged deal and the boys will be happier for it.
i also want to make something sweet for their teachers.
and something fun for ruby to wear.
we'll see what i get done....

okay hope you all followed this crazy randomness.

thanks for reading. :)

p.s. i'm going to make another vlog this week.

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1 comment:

  1. the superbowl party we were invited served pioneer woman wings too - yum!


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