Tuesday, February 28, 2012

we love art.

happy tuesday morning all.
i'm hanging with some sickies today.
my two littles, sawyer and ruby are both snotty and coughy and just plain pitiful.
ruby is about to break my heart with her hoarse cry and watery eyes.
so sad.
she was up a bunch last night so i'm pretty glad to stay home in my sweats . . . for the second day in a row.

so i wanted to show some pictures from our visit to the art museum.
i mentioned in my last post that we went with our little family and aj's parents.

we all really enjoyed it.
i love an art museum.
i would enjoy going back and reading all the cards about each painting....i find it fascinating.
i can stare at one painting for the longest time.

this is the restaurant where i'd like to have dinner when we come back for a date.
the architecture is amazing.

the boys especially loved the violent paintings.
of course.

my kids are really blessed in the grandparents department.
my parents and aj's are crazy about our kids.
aj's mom is such a great grandma....so sweet and patient with the boys.
always teaching them something.

this picture makes me laugh.
we are obviously really into that painting.

it was fun to see avery excited to learn about the pieces.

this is my kind of learning. :)

the grounds are really beautiful as well.
i bet they'll be spectacular in the spring and summer.

yes, my husband is a foot taller than me.  ;)

that was a fun day.
i'm so thrilled to have such an amazing art museum nearby.
i think we'll have many trips there over the years.

what about y'all?
are you museum people?
any of you crazy like us and brave a fine art museum with four small children?

p.s. will y'all take a quick sec and like the it's good to be queen facebook page?
you can click the like button right over there in my sidebar ----------------> Pin It


  1. several weeks ago my grandmother was in town and wanted to go to Crystal Bridges so I agreed. Me, g'ma, double stoller with 2 toddlers (can I still call them toddlers?), and baby backpack with 20lb 18monther. We pretty much made it through in under 30 minutes! It was fun though & I'd love to go back for a date...maybe a double??

    1. Yes, Ashley! we would love that! let's plan it! :)

  2. Feel better babies! No fun! We dealt with that a week ago.

    Tomorrow we head to our trek of Crystal Bridges...Michelle's here with her boys, so we'll have 6 kids 10, 7, 4, 2.5(2), & 11 months. This could be interesting! :-)


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