Friday, February 17, 2012

the last two weeks.

before we had kids i read something about little boys that said, boys like guns.
you can have a home with no toy guns, but they will probably create a gun out of legos or tinker toys anyway.
when i taught school i said they couldn't point guns at people.
and that's how we started with our boys.
i'd always say, pretend you're shooting a bird or hunting, let's not shoot at people.
but then. . . well i gave up.
i've got three boys, you know.
and they have a battle to fight.
they are born, no doubt about it, with an urge to fight, to protect, to be the warrior.
we stopped fighting it and just let them be boys.
although we do encourage them to be the good guy, the hero, the defender.
i'll tell you the truth, we have a whole toy arsenal up in here.
nerf guns, light sabers, water guns, super hero costumes, capes, shields . . ..etc.
i've had other moms ask me what we do about there you have it.
we have them and we have fun with them.
{also, i will say, that we do have serious talks with our boys about real guns and that they are never to touch them, etc.  our play guns look nothing like real guns, fyi. unless real guns are bright yellow and orange....}

after school piano practice.
finley often sticks his tongue out when he's concentrating....cute.
i'm tryyyying to get better about having him practice throughout the week.
avery does it on his own so i don't have to coerce him.
finley would generally rather play then do something structured. . . any day of the week.

my $5 {yard sale} cowboy boots have been in heavy rotation this winter. 

this is me resorting to whatever means necessary to get to the caffeine.
i was having one of those afternoons and mama needed some dp.
i love my husband dearly, but the man has insanely strong hands and he tends to seal up lids like fort knox. 
i could. not. get this thing open...i used several different methods before resorting to digging through his toolbox for the heavy duty pliers.

i usually do this at least once per winter.
i buy a dollar can of shaving cream for the boys to play in on the table.
i was actually wanting to make our spelling word practice fun.
the boys were so. excited. when i told them to take their shirts off and come to the table.
i squirt a big pile in front of each of them and let them go to town. 
then i read aloud their spelling words, one at a time, and they had to practice it until they got it right.
they love it.
sawyer gets to make shapes and whatever else he wants.
the rule is that they have to keep it on the table and they can't rub it all over their bodies. 
full disclosure:  one of my boys, who shall rename nameless, disobeyed and it didn't end as happy as it started. that's life. 
all in all it was really fun.
and their finger nails got really clean. :)

ruby just started having play time in her exersaucer and johnny jump up this past week. 
finley adores his little sister.
he is very good about sitting by her and talking to her and handing her toys.

sister had her first rice cereal last saturday.
she was a fan.
she kept grabbing the bowl and pulling it towards herself.
she also chomped on the spoon a bunch and generally slurped it down.
it was pretty stinking cute.
and she had all five of us as an audience, cheering her on. :)

two ladies ready for church. :)
ruby wore her valentiney pillowcase dress i made her.
yes, she looked adorable.
i love making her clothes.
wish i could just sit around and sew and create all the live long day.

cupcakes are a must have for any holiday.
this year.....dark choc. with buttercream frosting dyed pink.
i made them for our family and for our potter's house girls.

finley had his first grade program, "how does your garden groove?" this week.
he is that big piece of corn in front. :)
he even had a line. he was super pumped.
aj left work so he could be there with me.
fin did so great.

monday we had our first snow of the winter and it wasn't even enough to cancel school.
i greeted them after school with hot chocolate.
i really enjoy our afternoon snack times together.
the littles are usually asleep so the big boys and i can talk about their day and spend some sweet time together.

our day of love was very fun.
the boys are so happy and appreciative about any little thing i do for them.
i really enjoy making holidays special for our family.
they kept saying that this was the best valentine's day ever.
i am so thankful for their happy hearts.

we are head over heals smitten with this baby girl.
she is such a joy and delight to our home.
she is so lovely.
what an amazing, undeserved gift.

so happy it's friday....that means two whole days with AJ. :)
his parents are coming in and we are looking forward to lots of fun family time.

what about y'all? what have you been up to?

link up your random moments with jeannett at life rearranged:

life rearranged

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  1. I love all the precious mommy moments you share in your pictures and words. Life is made up of so many sweet little moments that can get lost in the rush of life if we forget to look.

  2. Oh, and coming from a house-full of 3 boys and 1 girl, guns can be produced from anything...even the food o their plate. Training them to be hero/protector-warriors is key.

  3. I'm in the same boat with 2 liter bottles of soda. If Kyle closed it, I usually have to wait until he can come open it.

  4. Love those yard-sale boots! I found some brown riding boots at a thrift store last month for $8 and I think I wear them every other day. At least. :)

  5. Love these pictures and your blog - so cute! We're on the same page with guns, pretty much in the same progression too. Now we also just encourage them to be the good guys and join in the fun! Also love the cowboy boots - and 5 bucks?!? Awesome!

  6. cute pics sara! i'm glad you guys are enjoying each other's company :]

  7. oh my goodness...i do the same exact thing with my 3 kids....(the shaving cream activity on the table.) here's a great tip--let them "write" with shaving cream on the kitchen floor also...then, i have a bag of cleaned, but unusable holey socks...wet them, and give them to the kids after they write on the floor..they can "mop" your floors with this..heehee...such clean kitchen floors after that, and what a nice smell too. they love it.

  8. AMEN SISTER, on the boys and guns thing! I hate having to explain my 3.5 year old to the people that don't have boys! It is in his blood and thankfully yours too! I love how you Mommy, you inspire me to be "more" to my kidlets!


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