Wednesday, February 8, 2012


that's what dog the bounty hunter calls valentine's. and i like dog.
i miss him now that we don't have cable. sad times.
moving on....

so i mentioned yesterday that i want to make some crafty valentines for the boys to give out.

i've been looking around on the internets and i'd thought i'd share some of my favorite ideas.

my boys' parties are this week which is why i'm figuring this stuff out now.
you know i don't plan ahead.

so for teacher gifts, i'm thinking i'm going to do this caramel dip & apple idea from little bit funky.

it looks pretty easy and cute.
and this is something i know i would have enjoyed when i was a teacher {for those two whole years}.

i like these tags from eighteen 25 to make them valentiney.

i love these superhero valentines for my big boys to pass out.
they're cute and crafty but still easy and boyish.
they're also from little bit funky and my girl sara, from a life less ordinary.

okay, how adorable are these for little ones?
so cute...teddy grahams and gummy bears. precious.

and one last idea....

cute and simple....just the way i like things.

what are y'all doing for the day of luuuvvvv?
homemade cards? treats? store bought box o' cards?
please share. :)

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  1. so super cute! every year i have high aspirations for valentine's day. but since my crafting-aged children are boys, and valentine's day falls between their birthdays, which are 3 1/2 weeks apart, we always end up with a store-bought box of cards, with me begging them to please write their classmates' names on them just a little faster so we can move on to the next thing . . .

    maybe next year! :)

  2. yep, loving that last one the best - super cute, super easy = sign me up! :)

  3. we did the super hero suckers (with a mask though) this year - gotta love pinterest :)

  4. sara, i didn't know you used to be a teacher...what grade did you teach? did you teach in public school or catholic school or preschool? i used to teach for many years also before my kids were born. one day i will go back.....
    cute ideas!

  5. We love Dog too! We watch him online at: since we don't have tv either.


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