Monday, June 18, 2012

change of plans

well hey there.
so . . .  if you follow my instagram, you know that our vacay hasn't exactly gone as planned. :/

it started off great...when aj got home from work on friday afternoon, i had everything packed and ready to go.
we loaded up the car and headed out.

we did our vacation tradition of stopping for a&w root beers along the way.

we drove and drove and drove and finally got to AJ's parent's in kansas about 11 pm.

by 7:30 the next morning, AJ and i were headed to the ER.

by 1pm, he was in surgery.
long story short, he had this weird intestine situation that needed immediate fixing.
i won't bore you with the details, but let's just say it's been a long few days.
and my love in still in the hospital and i am missing him terribly.
but God is so good to us and it could have been so much worse.
AJ is recovering and going to be just fine.
we're all hanging in there and so thankful for AJ's family who have been a wonderful support.

we've been having hospital room dates.
very romantic.

i've been pretty torn between spending time with the kids and aj's family and also being with AJ.
i've been going back and forth between the two for the past few days.
last night i met the family for dinner and then some park playing in town.

my sawyer boy is a fearless one.

ruby was loving the swing.
we kept her out late and she was tired but the swing sure made her smile. :)

this morning aj's family, the kids and i all went to a really cool nature center.
we walked trails, played in a natural play area & did lots of exploring.
it was a fun, vacationy thing to do.

ruby loved looking at the fishies.

we're all trying to make the best of this crazy situation.
i'm not gonna lie, it's been hard.
however, i am so very aware of how this could have been much worse....and many people have it much worse.
i am beyond thankful that God is showing us His favor and blessing and allowing AJ's surgery to be an easy fix.
we would not have chosen for our vacation to turn into surgery and extended hospital stay and recovery. . . but God is good and faithful and i am so thankful that this won't last forever.
my love will be back with us soon and all will be right in our little world again. :)

p.s. if you have emailed or texted and i haven't responded, this is sorry...bear with me pretty please. :)

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  1. We are so close and I would love to bring Parker over to give Mr. A.J. some love! We are workin' on it unless that doesn't look helpful... I will send my # on Facebook. We are praying for you guys!

  2. oh my goodness. i will say a special prayer for a.j. and all of you and a quick recovery.

  3. Sara, crazy. goodness life throws us some crazy curveballs. So glad you were near family and praying that somehow AJ is getting lots of rest that he maybe didn't even know he needed. Hope you finish out your time up there well.
    blessings. - Lindsey

  4. My goodness! Sending thoughts and prayers your way!


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