Thursday, June 28, 2012

shaving cream: fun for all ages.

do you do this with your kids?
this is one of our favorite, go-to activities.
it's not rocket science.
it's shaving cream.

my kids love it.
i gave them each a can in their easter baskets this year.
i always buy the cheapest can i can find.
that's a 97 cent can o' fun right there.

we've been doing this forever.
i first learned about the joy that is shaving cream when i was in the second grade.
we each got a squirt on our desks to write our spelling words in. 

before i had my own kiddos, i was a kindergarten teacher.
you better believe we did the shaving cream.
clean the desks and the finger nails at the same time.
plus if you use the menthol flavor,  you can mask the smell of little-boy-after-recess-stink.

in the winter we do it inside on our table.
it's even more fun outside. 

i set a few ground rules {i.e. no shaving cream in the eyes} and then let them go to town.
and the best part?
it cleans up with water. 

water always doubles the fun.

shaving cream is really nice when you have kids of different ages. 
usually everyone is a fan.
unless your kids don't like a mess.
i can't help you there.
my boys specialize in mess.

this week was the perfect week to do it. {it's hot up in here}.
simple fun for a summer day.
time to buy more shaving cream. 

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  1. Add in some bird seed and a little bit of flour for some extra fun/mess.

  2. Love it! I used to do it when I taught preschool. Haven't done it in a long time with my girls - thanks for the reminder!

  3. that;s funny. i also used to be a kindergarten teacher before staying home with our 3 kids....i also used to use shaving cream in class on their desks for them to practice their letters and numbers. plus, the room smelled so nice and clean after and the desks were shining.
    great pictures.:)


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