Tuesday, June 5, 2012

summertime and the livin's easy

we're still adjusting to the summer groove around here.
i slept in until my kids woke up every morning last week.
while it seemed nice at the time, i really missed my quiet mornings with the Lord.

so, this week i'm back to waking up at 5:30 or 6:00, so that i can have that sweet solitude before the chaos ensues.
it does wonders for my attitude.

since both of my big boys are readers now, i decided they needed to have some quiet time with the Lord each day as well.
this morning i read them Jesus Calling at breakfast and then wrote down the verses they needed to go read on their own.
my goal is to do that with them everyday.
i don't want to cheat them of that time that they need just as much as i do.
i am also going to print out some verse cards from Seeds Family Worship for us to memorize together.
it's all about attainable goals, right? :)

also, a friend asked me what i meant by our year of simplicity.

well, i think we are figuring it out along the way.
we know that that a simple family life is our goal.
it is how we will be most happy and at peace.

some things we have discovered and are implementing thus far:

*less electronic entertainment. . . screens.
 this includes tv, wii, d.s.'s.
the month of may was no screens on weekdays.
and limited on the weekends....for example we watch for a family picnic night.
we haven't figured out where we are going from here on out.
but this was so. great. for us this past month.
we loved it.

*less running around.
more staying at home and being together.
this means we're not signing up for a whole slew of summer activities.
we're using our brains and our creativity to come up with more things to do together, at home.

*when we are together, we are making the most of it.
we're looking in our children's eyes and really listening and connecting.
even when we're driving in the car, i'm making a conscious effort to really listen to what they're saying to me.
to engage them.
to make the time and space for them to be themselves and open up.
to not just let time pass us by.
we are choosing to really live each moment and be present in the moment.
this has been huge actually.
in the past we've felt like a weekend would just fly by full of activity and tasks and then monday would roll around and we couldn't even remember what we really did.
this has helped for us to feel like we really made the most of our time when we are all together.
i feel like we are truly starting to live life to the fullest....or at least stepping into it.

we hope to discover more and more about how to live a simple life and not let ourselves get so crowded in again.
i'll keep you posted on that. :)

and now, for some little pics from around the house....because really, what is a post without pictures??

can i get an Amen?

sometimes i cannot believe that this is our backyard.
so very thankful.

sweet, vintage tin tray from my parents.
makes me happy every time i see it.

love this little space on our porch.
aj and i sit here often to grab a few minutes of conversation.

in an effort to be completely real with you, here are my two boys, yesterday afternoon, watching a movie.
fin had cut his finger and wasn't feeling great so we let him lay down and watch a movie.
of course, avery joined him.
it was a lovely quiet moment for me.
just so you know that i am human and i like a tv babysitter just as much as the next mom.
no judgement here! ;)

i'd love you all to go on this quest for simplicity with me.
or maybe you're already there?
or have some great ideas or tips to share?
i'd love to discuss in the comments. :)

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  1. Oh, I am so impressed and inspired by you! Our first full week of summer was already a blur. As I look at our schedule sometimes I am overwhelmed by it all...then throw in harvest which takes Daddy away! I am loving Jesus Calling as well. What a great idea to send them off to look up the verses and dig in to Gods word. I love it!

    One thing we have had to change around here is our meal time. With four kids on four different ball teams, we are running crazy in the evenings. So, our hot meal is now at lunch time..risks on the run in the evenings. Just one of the ways we have to adapt for this summer.

    Blessings to you this summer!

    1. well don't be impressed. ;) I love how you are adapting your meal times for summer and still managing to get in a meal around the table. i think that's so important!

  2. Meals on the run on the evenings...not risks!!! Why do I use my phone for comments??????


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