Thursday, June 14, 2012

snickers salad: you're gonna want this recipe

snickers. salad.
if a fruit salad and dessert got married, this would be their baby.
we're using the term, "salad" loosely here folks.
go with it.
it's anchored by the always fabulous, COOL WHIP whipped topping. 

okay so here are the ingredients:

granny smith apples, a small packet of vanilla pudding, 12 oz. COOL WHIP, & snickers.
it has to be good, right?

COOL WHIP and i are b.f.f.'s.
we go way back.
growing up, we always had some on hand for easy desserts, a fruit dip, a topping for hot chocolate, etc. 
these days i love it in my coffee.
one of my favorite ways to make a quick dessert is to just layer cool whip and chocolate pudding in clear glasses. 
it's a fan favorite. :)

anyhow, back to the recipe.
this is super simple.
i love a dessert that i can throw together during nap time.

chop three-four snickers into small chunks. 
{i used six of the smaller ones that come in a two pack so i think it pretty much equaled out}.

cut your granny smiths into small chunks.

isn't it so pretty?
now for the best part . . . 

mix your packet of pudding into your 12oz. of COOL WHIP until all of the pudding powder is disolved.
then fold it into your apples and snickers.
and enlist a sweet helper to do the stirring. 

then get some volunteers to sample it. 
i promise you won't have to twist their arm.

there you go.
snickers salad. 
you're welcome. 

we had this for dessert after dinner last night.
it was a hit.
all of my boys love a dessert. 
i think desserts are their love language. ;)
and COOL WHIP just makes a good dessert better.
can i get amen?
and seriously, a dessert with four ingredients that doesn't require my oven being turned on is a winner.
plus, it has fruit in it, so i win again.

Do you have a special dessert you'd like to share? Enter COOL WHIP's Fan Dessert of the Month Contest for a chance to win $500! Simply make a COOL WHIP dessert, take a photo, and upload it here

Sponsored posts are purely editorial content that we are pleased to have presented by a participating sponsor. Advertisers do not produce the content. I was compensated for this post as a member of Clever Girls Collective, but the content is all my own.

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1 comment:

  1. This looks AMAZING. When I'm off of atkins...this might be the first dessert I indulge in!!


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