Friday, June 29, 2012


happy friday, friends.
we have had a wonderful, sunshiney, summer week. 

have you joined instagram yet?
it's such a nice little community. i like it.
it's quieter than facebook and twitter.
unless you accidentally click on the popular page.
don't do that. it gets weird.

this week has been pretty low-key.
sooooo nice.
i need weeks like these.
i crave these relaxed summer days.
it's good for my soul. :)

little sister is 10 months old.
hopefully i'll get her 10 month pics done this weekend.
she's ever so slightly starting to accept solid {not pureed} foods.
she had her first blackberries this week.
she mostly just played with it, but i'm pretty sure that some of it got down the hatch. :)

we have a garden!
we don't really know what we're doing but we're trying.
it is so fun to see our seeds become real plants.
i lovelovelove tooling around in our garden.
finley loves it too and gets just as excited about every little bit of growth.

there is a moment every afternoon when i get the little ones down and the big ones situated for quiet time and i take a deep breath and a sigh of relief.
like . . . i made it to nap time.
it usually feels like a marathon up to that point.
always a fun moment.
the boys have been doing alone time every afternoon for an hour right when the littles go to bed.
mama needs alone time too.
and bonus, we're knocking out the summer reading list!

i just love these sweet girls.
we all love the water.
ruby is a splashing fool.
meliyah is going to be a fish by the end of the summer.
she is coming along so well with getting comfortable in the water.

new flavor of la croix.
taco salad.

those cheeks.
i die.
ruby has been such a trooper hanging out in the 105 degree heat during the boys' swim lessons.

he's growing up.
my first born has seemed so mature this week.
nine and a half. craziness.
i'm crazy about him.

what are you up to this week? 
any big plans for the weekend?
i'm planning to get $1 flip flops from old navy. exciiiiiiiiiting. 

join the instafriday partay over at jeannett's! 

life rearranged

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  1. great pics of a beautiful family! We have bee trying to keep busy this week, too - our first week of summer break with no real plans and Daddy gone all week. Enjoying the time with my kiddos, though (mostly!). Our weekend will involve a visit from out of town friends and LOTS of pool time!!!

  2. I'm glad you told me about the Old Navy flip flops!! And your pool looks amazing!! I thought we were the only ones having heat like that! I had a mini heat stroke on Monday messing with getting our little on top of the ground pool leveled :-/ NEVER AGAIN!! Have a great weekend!

  3. I love it! You and your kids are just adorbs.

    (stopping by from instaFriday...not a creeper or anything!!)


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