Monday, June 4, 2012


hello, monday.
goodbye weekend.

we had a wonderful weekend spent together as our little family of six. 


roasting hot dogs and s'mores with friends.

donuts  . . . until i found out the heartbreaking news that kk no longer gives out free, hot donuts.

going to a mission fest in my home town, hanging with my fam & reconnecting with old friends. 

more swimming.
laying on a raft with a book while my boys swam around me. 

date night on the couch with my man.
which, obviously involved nutella.
and a full bowl sized cup of coffee to keep me awake through the entire mission impossible 4. 

nap, courtesy of my man cleaning up the downstairs so i wouldn't have to worry about it. 
swim party with my potter's house girls.

and a whole bunch or normal moments with my family that i am so very thankful for. 

happy monday.
let's make it a good one. :)

*say hello monday with lisa leonard

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1 comment:

  1. I'm jealous that you have a Krispy Kreme nearby. We had one in our town, but it closed, leaving me with only bittersweet memories of that warm, sweet deliciousness ;) I'm just stopping by from Lisa's link-up. Have a great week!


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