Wednesday, June 13, 2012

nine months

may 23rd snuck right up on us and ruby jane turned nine months old.

we've come to calling her sissy all the time.
which i thought i would never do . . . but i can't help myself.

ruby claps all the time.
if you sing, "clap your hands all you people" or "if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands," she will start clapping every time.

our little princess girl seems to be thinning out. 
she's a little peanut at about 15 pounds.

she still has a gummy, no-teeth smile.
she loves the boys and smiles so big at them.
they are so great at talking to her and doing anything they can to make her smile or laugh.
i think she's getting a little bit spoiled at all the constant attention she gets around here. ;)

she's starting to roll around to get to things she interested in.
she rocks on her knees like she wants to crawl soon.

a few notes about our nine month old girlie...

she had her first swim and likes to splash in the pool and bathtub.
she prefers baby food only.
she does not want a puff or any other solid food thankyouverymuch.
although she would consume half a napkin if you're not watching.
she's a typical baby....she likes to play with things that aren't toys and eat things that aren't food. ;)
she says "a da, a da" often and it sounds so much like "all done" but we're not sure if she's trying to say that or not.  time will tell. :)

nine months has already flown.
we are still amazed that we get to have her.
what a precious gift from the Giver of all good gifts.

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1 comment:

  1. oh. my. gosh. she is just too adorable. :)


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