Tuesday, July 3, 2012

freezer jam

do you guys make this?
AJ loves his mom's jelly.
she serves it at every meal . . . with fresh homemade bread.
yes, she is amazing.
she makes all different flavors.
lots of strawberry but she does peach and apricot and whatever else she has on hand as well.

it's not hard to make....honestly i just forget.
it's not on my radar.
sorry, honey.
after spending the better part of a week at AJ's parents, {you know when he was in the hospital?} i was reminded how great her jelly is.
and she reminded me how easy it is.
like seriously.

you buy a box of sure jell and a quart of strawberries and follow the directions on the box.
it makes five jars.
it's a good value. :)

you basically just smash up the strawberries....

add a whole bunch of sugar . . . 
don't worry about it....it's going over five jars, remember?

cook the sure jell with water and then mix it up with the strawberries and sugar......

dig around your cabinets and find whatever jars you can find.
i had some leftover canning jars and a cleaned out pesto jar.
you don't have to know how to can or anything like that.
you just pour the jelly in the jar and twist the lid on.
the end and amen.

you can keep it in the fridge for three weeks or in the freezer for a year.
it won't last that long, i can promise you that.

it's so yum. way better than store bought.

happy day, friends! have a happy fourth! 

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