Thursday, July 12, 2012

ten months

and just like that, our little girlie girl is another month old.
and cuter and sweeter than ever.

clapping is her party trick.
she loves to clap and does it a lot. 
she claps if you smile at her, claps if you sing to her, claps if she's happy, claps if you're taking her picture. . . .  the girl claps. :)

ruby started crawling when she was 9 1/2 months old.
she gets around really well but she doesn't go far. 
she likes to be around people. always.
in fact, she cries like you broke her heart if you walk out of her line of sight. 

she's getting more hair and now weights a whopping 16 pounds.

ruby's a contented baby girl and is easily entertained with a few little toys.
she loves her family and gives us hugs & squeezes a lot.
she's also started patted my back when i pick her up.
i am soaking it up.

it's a photographic miracle that she has a bow on in these pics.
typically she starts grabbing the bow to pull it off the very second i put it on her.
then she gives me a look like i am nuts for having put it on her in the first place.
break my heart, little girl.
somehow she was distracted and didn't really notice the bow {flower} this time.
whew. crisis averted.

she still sucks her thumb when she's sleepy.
sweetest little thumb sucker i ever saw. 

ruby jane. . . 10 months old and as yummy as ever. . . 


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