Monday, July 30, 2012

friends handmade craft day

this weekend i was invited to a "friends handmade craft day."
randomly, my friend becca connected with a girl, sara, who had sponsored one of meg's craft weekends. 
they met up and dreamed up the idea of hosting a craft day.
i happily accepted the invite and was very excited to get to spend a morning crafting with other craft-lovin girls. 

we spent the morning drinking coffee, snacking & learning how to make pom poms using just your fingers and some yarn. 
we each brought our own yarn that we wanted to use. 
some girls made yarn wrapped wreaths or letters as well.

i worked on making different shades of pink pom poms to use at ruby's first birthday. 
it's really fun, easy and therapeutic. 
plus you can chat easily while making them. 

i love crafting so it was nice to have an excuse to do nothing but craft. 

i could have kicked myself for getting there without my good camera. 
but, sara's house was so cute with so many great crafty touches that i had to take some pictures with my cell phone to show you.
so...these aren't the greatest pics...but isn't her house so cute?

she had bunting everywhere. 
i love her aqua blue spray painted sticks in the big red vase. 
those are old books inside a birdcage on her it. 

love that celebrate banner. 
wishing i had time to do more crafting.
she also had tons of quilts around which i love. 

okay, this is her craft room/laundry room. 
so happy and fun right?

love her big "EAT" letters in the kitchen.

simple fabric & lace strips make ordinary jars so cute. 

it's hard for me to give up family time on the weekends, but this was definitely worth it. 
it was fun and i left feeling so inspired. 
i also left feeling very motivated to make the time to do projects or's good for my spirit {and attitude incidentally. ;)}

and since i already had all the yarn out, i spent the rest of day making pom poms here and there while we were watching the olympics or just hanging out. 

thanks girls! i had a blast!

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1 comment:

  1. Cute! I wish I had more time to craft. It is very therapeutic.


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