Friday, July 6, 2012


hip hip hooray it's friday!
what a weird week, with a holiday in the middle.
i'll take it.

friday means it's time for my weekly round up of camera phone pics.
i have over 2,000 pics on my phone.
i keep deleting apps to make room for all my photos.
i think it's time for an upgrade.....

this is from last week, but i had to include at least one swim lesson pic from this year.
the boys were in the same lane this year at swim ranch.
they worked so hard.
we always love our swim lesson week.

grammy bought ruby her very own floatie.
she loves it and my arms love it. ;)

i bought a couple of living social deals for the sno cone place.
best money i ever spent.
snow cones are my love language.

oh, you know, just a little girl and her super heroes.
this little sister is growing up playing with boy toys.
seriously, she is the cutest little girl i have ever laid eyes on.
we are over the moon, crazy about this little girl.
we can't get enough of her.

it thrills my heart to no end that my midwestern husband now drinks sweet tea out of a mason jar on a regular basis.
you've come a long way, baby.

before, during & after.
oh mercy, i love this kid.
and i love a summer buzz.

what are you up to this week?

link up your phone pics with jeannett @ liferearranged . . .

life rearranged

happy weekend, friends!

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  1. Stopping by from instafriday....

    Your boy is so cute! I also love a good summer buzz cut- so boy and so summer. :o)

  2. My friends' little one is not a fan of his floaty yet. Hoping he gets more used to it! I know their arms would be happier :) Just in from Life Rerranged, cute blog!

  3. That's the best floaty ever! We just discovered it this weekend and it was a blast!

  4. yay! glad to see my little girl isn't the only one who loves cars and action figures :)


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