Tuesday, July 31, 2012


today the boys and i went out to watch the new house construction going on next door.
i look down to see sawyer has whipped out his you-know-what and is just peeing his little heart out, right there in the front of our house.
he looked at me like, "what?" when i said "Sawyerrrr!!!"

today sawyer was eating a peanut butter sandwich at the bar while i was feeding ruby her baby food.
i didn't realize i had forgotten to give him a drink.
i look over to see that he had taken off the lid of the ironing spray bottle and was chugging it.
thankfully it was water.

today at dinner avery asked me to show them my arm muscles.
he is slightly obsessed with muscles lately.
i flexed my guns.
he said, "okay now flex them."
oh fine.
aj is laughing.
i try harder.... then realize that my nine year old's arm muscles are bigger than mine.

today was a long day.
i'm thinking ruby is teething? maybe?
she doesn't have one tooth yet so surely one is coming soon.
not that i'm in any hurry.
i love her toothless grin.
she was pretty emotional and so was i incidentally.

today i found a basketball goal on craig's list.
aj knew i needed some alone time so he took the boys to go get it tonight.
they have no idea.
they are going to be so excited, especially avery.
he's been asking about one for a long time.
can't wait to hear about their reaction.
i'm very thankful for a few minutes to myself.

how was your day?

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  1. what a fun surprise for your boys - and as moms we love to see that surprise on their little faces. and your arm flexing story made me laugh! too funny.

  2. oh gosh what a cute post!

    I remember the day I could not longer beat my son at arm wrestling! I had some pretty good mommy muscles but then he turned 12 and whamo!

    Hope today is a better day!


  3. So funny Sara! Thanks for the laugh this morning!


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