Monday, July 23, 2012

on a monday afternoon

oh monday.
you're here again.
i love our weekends with our whole family home so much...i will always long for them and feel a twinge of sadness when monday rolls back around.
but we press on! ;)

we had a great weekend...we didn't really do anything super exciting...a lot of errandy stuff.
but we make the most of it and just enjoy being together.
avery kept saying "this is the best saturday" even though we weren't doing much of anything at all.
pretty sweet.

my boys eat popsicles around the pool all the time but this morning they ate them on the front porch.
it reminded me of the days and days and days that they ate popsicles on the front porch of our last house. 
they probably did that every day for a couple of summers.
such good memories.

my boys are getting so big.

we had a sweet little conversation about our old house and how we used to sit out there eating popsicles all summer long.
trying to keep cool.

i am so thankful that we have made the choice for me to stay home with these kiddos.
it is definitely a choice that comes with sacrifice...but i would not have it any other way.
i get the luxury of time.....time to have sweet, simple moments like these.

i'm so glad these boys still get excited about a popsicle.
they are so good at appreciating the little things.

yay for popsicles.
yay for sweet summer days with my boys.

and hip hip horray, yay for one more hour til AJ gets home. ;)

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