Friday, July 27, 2012

oh you know, just some cell phone pics.....

hey there friends....

what have y'all been up to?

our week has been pretty low key on one hand but really full at the same time.

okay let's start this slideshow with a  cutie cutie cutie pie.

oh mylanta.
i love that girl in some skinny jeans.
doll. baby.
and ruffly polka dot pink shirt? yes, please.
i am so stinkin happy about all that pink right there.

no, ruby did not pull herself up there all by herself.
she wants to, she's just not quite strong enough.
she pulls up on shorter things, but i had to help her get all the way up there.
she's really, really close though...she gets almost there on her own.

love that sweet little profile and her double chin.
she is yummy.

we're working our way through our summer list....crossing them off as we go. 
i feel a bit panicky that summer is slipping by.
i'm trying to hang on to it and make the most of it. 
we've still got a few more things to cross off!

avery made a race track with painters' tape all over the living room.
the younger boys had so much fun driving their cars on it.
avery spent a lot of time positioning the cars on it so they would hang upside down or stick on it sideways.
they enjoyed it for a full two days before i couldn't take it anymore and made them clean it all up.
it was a good afternoon activity on some really hot days.

there's some construction happening right next door.
the boys love to sit on the top of the slide and watch the "builder guys" work.
i think those guys are getting pretty used to an audience.
it is pretty fun to see a house built from the ground up.

boys watching the tim tebow "movie" {the chosen one} again.
thankful for a good role model who is also really cool to three little boys.

finally got around to giving the top of our table a fresh coat of paint.
after a few years of daily abuse it was looking a little worse for the wear.
why didn't i do this a year ago?
it took an hour and was no big deal.
better late than never....story of my life. ;)

this morning i loaded up the kiddos to go yard saling.
i let them watch a movie in the car and bring a snack along so they were pretty pumped about it.
sawyer didn't want to come home. he's a good little shopper.
i usually park the car right by the sale and just leave them all in with it running because i can watch them the whole time.
it's easier that way...if i let them get out, i have to deal with them wanting to buy a bunch of junky toys that we do not need.
unfortunately this was an unsuccessful yard saling trip....unless you count sawyer's 25 cent knight hat or the donuts i bought them at a rummage sale.
oh well, you win some you lose some.

what about y'all? have you found any good yard sale deals lately?
i love a good yard sale find!

have a great weekend, y'all....

link up your phone pics with me over at life rearranged!

life rearranged

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  1. Love the summer list!! That would be great to have on days like today when are are just sitting around saying "What can we do today?" We could just check the list and cross something off! I'll have to remember that one next summer!

  2. did you perfectly match your baby to the pink patterned window seat? admit it! so cute!

  3. painters tape race track...genius!!! I can't wait to see the expression on my son's face when he realizes that we are sticking something to the carpet for fun!

    Love your pink, love my pink, love pink like I never thought I would!

    Happy Monday!

    Love the craft day too!...where do you find friends like that?! ;)


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