Friday, July 20, 2012


happy friday, friends!
linking up my weekly cell phone pics again.....

i love their friendship.
these sweet kiddos have grown up together and i pray that they are lifelong friends. 
we love watching them all interact and play with each other.
it is so easy with them because they love being around each other just as much as their parents do. :)

cleaning out our game closet caused us to play several games that we had forgotten about. 
this one is not actually a game but it's a really fun activity. 
it has magnetic foam pieces that you put on the board using a code to make a picture. 
it's a fun, easy, quiet, afternoon activity. 
we've done it several times this week.

the big boys and i are in a nice afternoon routine of reading together for an hour after the littles go down for nap.
my house is a mess because when i get a good book, i shirk all my normal responsibilities until i finish. 
this is not a good time to drop by my house unannounced. ;)
although, sadly my book is done so it's back to reality.
also, i cheated on my bf, La Croix, to try out Ozarka's sparkling water.
it's okay...not as good or as bubbly as La Croix, in case you're wondering or love bubbly water as much as i do.

we had a long wait for an appointment yesterday.
i love seeing my boys read.
avery is starting to read AJ's hardy boy books from when he was a kid.
i love seeing them be so into what they're reading.
they come by it honestly. :)

this is my morning routine.
AJ wakes me up with my big ol' mug of coffee and i have some sweet quiet time with Jesus.
so thankful for my disciplined husband who wakes up his not-a-morning-person wife every single morning.
i need this time focusing on God's word and listening to Him so much.
i wouldn't make it without Him and that's the truth.

well, i've got a morning of errands to do so i better get going.
have you joined instagram yet? if you want to follow me, i'm saragood2bqueen

life rearranged

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  1. You know what's strange? I went out and looked for La Croix here in France and I can't find it! I'm not giving up, but I just thought that was so bizarre seeing that they have a million and one other kinds of fizzy water.

    Your cute little morning routine makes me want to get up early. Maybe I could convince my husband to wake me up, too?

    I love your instagram posts, by the way!

  2. Hey there - I popped over from Life Rearranged - I too start my mornings with coffee and Jesus Calling!

    I also love La Croix - the pear peach is so good!

    Hope you have a GREAT weekend!


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